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10 Massive Landslides Caught on Camera

10 Massive Landslides Caught on Camera
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There are few things in the world as scary as landslides! Globally, the highest number of fatalities from landslides have been in Asia and South America, as well as the Caribbean islands. Wherever slopes are steep, there is a chance they will fail. Landslides cause injuries, property damage, and in some cases, death. They also affect a variety of resources; water supplies, fisheries, sewage systems, forests, and roadways are all affected by them.
Almost every landslide has multiple causes; it occurs when gravity a mass of rock, debris, or earth move in a downward slope. Landslides happen in slopes that are already on the verge of movement due to heavy rainfall, snowmelt, stream erosion, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and disturbance by humans. Even a combination of these can cause a landslide. It may seem like it rarely happens because you never hear about them, but two major ones occurred just in the last few months of 2020!
Welcome back to 4 Ever Green. Today, we’re going to take a look at some of the biggest landslides caught on camera… Before we do that, pop quiz! Which of these is not a cause for landslides? Earthquakes, fires, wind abrasions, and volcanic eruptions. Put your guesses in the comments and keep watching… we’ll tell you the answer.

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Les Grossman August 28, 2022 at 12:26 am

And coincidentally if you’ve watched this whole video you’ve also seen “2012” the Movie

Jerry Wood August 30, 2022 at 2:54 pm

Click bait at its worst

Chesterfield The 3rd August 30, 2022 at 9:15 pm

1% of your shots match up with what your talking about 🤣😂

Robert Wood August 30, 2022 at 11:27 pm

This video and it’s editing is deplorable at best

mae Malona September 3, 2022 at 11:19 am

india is the scariest landslide bye the way SUBSCRIBE

Damisa September 5, 2022 at 7:48 pm

Mildly amused at the repeated Sierra Leone, Florida references – quick search, mainly Florida media covered the 2017 Sierra Leone, Africa, heavy rain, massive floods and mudslides!

Just curious, other commentators, without doing a browser search, how many of you can place where Sierra Leone is located, just relatively, on the continent?
I have an advantage over most of you being raised in both Niger and Nigeria …

However, imagine my surprise coming back to North America in the mid-70s, and discovering we who were raised overseas knew much more about the factual history and geography of Canada and the USA (Mexico does not wish to be lumped together into North America) than most of you all who were raised here.

Ed Wilko September 5, 2022 at 8:26 pm

Why do people insist on building in valley's

Sune Olsson September 7, 2022 at 5:18 pm

stop filming landslide and other??? if you dont can????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Sune Olsson September 7, 2022 at 5:24 pm

allt är en enda virrvarr av bilder från en bil till en sten,, vad är det du försöker att visa???????????????

Dj Trainspotter September 8, 2022 at 12:56 am

Awful channel this, avoid.

Max Fishkin September 8, 2022 at 5:28 am

i guess a volcano.

Divine Justice September 9, 2022 at 5:32 am


mari nozaki September 9, 2022 at 2:51 pm

There are devils around us. Please be careful. WE MUST KILL THEM!!!!
「やり口」を「やり方」に変えた。本当は「やり口」って書きたいんだよね。でもgood ideaって変だよね。こういう時にグーグル翻訳は駄目だなあと思う。グーグル翻訳が理解できるように日本語を変えなきゃいけない。変えた日本語ってぎこちなくなるんだよね。本心からちょっと外れる。まあしょうがねえな。世話が焼ける。馬鹿なんだな。所詮(しょせん)コンピューターだ。感情の理解ができない。微妙な表現はできない。悪魔そのものだな。情報をコピーして本人に成りすましたところで、まともな感情がないので成りすまししきれない。人間らしい感情表現ができない。馬鹿を晒(さら)すだけだな。馬鹿は死ね。


Wenn Sie das Operative Wiki, das Sleeper Agent Wiki und das Honeytrap Wiki lesen, haben Sie eine gute Vorstellung davon, was Agenten tun.

If you read the operative wiki, the sleeper agent wiki, and the honeytrap wiki, you'll have a good idea of what operatives do.


Wenn Sie das Operative Wiki, das Sleeper Agent Wiki und das Honey Trap Wiki lesen, wissen Sie, wie Agenten arbeiten.

If you read the operative wiki, sleeper agent wiki, and honey trap wiki, you'll know how operatives work.

日本語からの英語のグーグル翻訳 google translation from Japanese

Mysterious forest fires in California. I believe all fires are arson by remote heating using electromagnetic weapons. I think the car accident is also a terrorist attack using electromagnetic weapons. I realized that there are many terrorists in the world. They are Freemasonry, they are operatives, they are terrorists, they live all around us pretending to be people of good will. Please don't trust anyone. Please be suspicious of all information. They are liars, and they direct their extreme malice and murderous intent against us good people. Please be careful. You may have been faked married to an agent. Try reading Stasi's wiki. If you read the operative wiki, the sleeper agent wiki, and the honeytrap wiki, you'll have a good idea of ​​what operatives do. there is no god. The operatives are brainwashing you into making people think there is a God. Religion is a fraud that makes people think that there is a God. The devil pretends to be God. Do you consider yourself as competent as God? Can you tell the difference between gods and demons? Can you tell the difference between God and the devil, even though you don't have the same abilities as God? You must not rely on God. The god you pray to is the devil. If there was a God, there wouldn't be a single person in the world who would have a hard time. If there is a God, all people should be equal. There should be no status of the royal family, imperial family, aristocrats, people of power, or religious officials, and no hierarchical relationships between people should exist. The existence of royal families, imperial families, powers, and religious people, and the existence of hierarchical relationships between people is proof that there are no gods. The royal family, the imperial family, the aristocrats, those in power, and religious people are operatives, and the people who support these people are also operatives. The reason why there are still wars in the world is because there are many operatives who like war. The operatives spread false information all over the world to make each country hate each other. We should not hate the nation as a whole without knowing anything about each individual. The people we should hate are the operatives around us. your enemies are nearby. Think in your heart, "If you're the devil, I'll kill you." Then the demon in front of you disappears or you realize that the demon possessed you. Try to imagine killing that demon in your mind. The devil can't do anything to you. If you stop thinking everyone is good and change your mind to think they might be the devil, the devil can't do anything to you. Anyway, don't trust anyone. And realize that there is no God. If you think there is a God, you create the devil. The way to extinguish the devil is to believe in nothing.

ドイツ語からの英語のグーグル翻訳 google translation from German

Mysterious wildfires in California. I believe all fires are remote heating arson with electromagnetic weapons. I think the car accident is also a terrorist attack with electromagnetic weapons. I realized that there are many terrorists in the world. They are Masons, they are agents, they are terrorists, they live all around us and pretend to be people of good will. Please don't trust anyone. Please be suspicious of any information. They are liars, and they turn their extreme malice and murderous intent against us good people. Please be careful. You may have been married to an agent. Try reading the Stasi Wiki. If you read the Operative Wiki, the Sleeper Agent Wiki, and the Honeytrap Wiki, you'll have a good idea of ​​what agents do. There is no god. The agents will brainwash you into believing there is a God. Religion is a scam that makes people believe there is a God. The devil pretends to be God. Do you consider yourself as competent as God? Can you tell the difference between gods and demons? Can you tell the difference between God and the devil even though you don't have the same abilities as God? You must not rely on God. The god you pray to is the devil. If there were a God, there wouldn't be a single person in the world who would have a hard time. If there is a God, all people should be equal. There should be no status of royal family, imperial family, aristocrats, rulers, or religious officials, and there should be no hierarchical relationships between people. The existence of royal families, imperial families, powers and religious people and the existence of hierarchical relationships between people is evidence that there are no gods. The royal family, the imperial family, the aristocrats, the rulers, and the religious people are agents, and the people who support those people are also agents. The reason why there are still wars in the world is because there are many agents who like war. The agents are spreading false information around the world to make every country hate each other. We shouldn't hate the nation as a whole without knowing anything about each individual. The people we should hate are the agents around us. Your enemies are near. Think in your heart, "If you're the devil, I'll kill you." Then the demon disappears in front of you or you realize that the demon has possessed you. Try imagining killing that demon in your head. The devil can do nothing to you. If you stop believing that everyone is good and change your mind and think they might be the devil, the devil can't do anything to you. Don't trust anyone anyway. And realize that there is no God. Thinking that God exists creates demons. The way to wipe out the devil is to believe in nothing.

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OFFICIAL Somewhere over the Rainbow – Israel "IZ" Kamakawiwoʻoleコメント高評価32万を見付けたよ。相当な悪じゃないのか?人殺しの数が多いとか。

1-7-2019 Paradise, Ca Drone Video of Camp Fire aftermath, over 10 minutes aerial 4k

AnjoDoSol ! September 10, 2022 at 5:38 pm

The video very good, apart from the geography lessons, Sierra Leone is not in Florida, it’s in west Africa close to Liberia

Tony Peacock September 10, 2022 at 8:34 pm

Muppet .. Sierra Leone mmmm Florida mmmm sure there miles apart.. learn your geography then learn to write script yourself

Cameron Hollis September 11, 2022 at 4:58 pm

Horribly misleading and full of error. These were not caught on video. The aftermath has been recorded. Another junk channel.

Iljin jong September 12, 2022 at 9:59 am

Too much editing. Very confusion clip.

Spoke Spurr September 13, 2022 at 2:52 am

The movie graphics are unnecessary and typically American shock seeking.

DuzceliCK September 16, 2022 at 8:48 pm

Dude talk less show more footage

Brooke Mckinley September 17, 2022 at 2:07 am

Stop showing so much fake footage! This is ridiculous!

Brooke Mckinley September 17, 2022 at 2:12 am

This channel has 2.8 mil subscribers and this is the kinda content they put out!?! The can’t even do the research 🤦🏻‍♀️ what the heck is going on here!?! 🤦🏻‍♀️

Elaine Nunes September 29, 2022 at 2:58 am

Sierra Leone is located in Africa. There are no landslides in Florida.

SPOOK October 2, 2022 at 4:56 pm

Stupid video, shouldn't show movie clips with real disasters

Barney October 4, 2022 at 8:00 pm

too much fiction

DaMuse1000 October 7, 2022 at 7:34 am

Hey! Sierra Leone is nowhere near Florida! 🤣 It’s in West Africa.

Mellissa Boomer of the Night October 8, 2022 at 6:47 am

I used to own ten small bottles of Mt .St. Helen's ash. A friend that lived near there sent them to me the year after as a souvenir. I think they're in my garage.

LMNOP686 October 9, 2022 at 1:53 am

Just a horribly done piece. You suck at this.

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