Comments on: 5 Natural Disasters Waiting To Happen Exploring The Unknown Mon, 24 Jan 2022 16:57:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Faze Pico Mon, 24 Jan 2022 16:57:22 +0000 The worst disaster I've ever had to endure is the 3am explosion of my anus a few hours after eating $27 dollars worth of Taco Bell.
In my dream (or some would call it a nightmare) I was waiting for a stall to open up so I could take a massive shit and after waiting
for what felt like forever, a stall finally opened up. I rushed inside as fast as I could and I sat down and blew up the stall. When truth
is I shit all over my bed. Because again.. I was DREAMING that I was waiting on a stall to free up and I was actually in bed the entire
time sleeping. Shit all over my legs, my underwear, my bed, my sheets, and even on my dog. That was a fucked up Tuesday morning
for me and I hope to never relive that kind of disaster again!

By: BLUE DRAGON Sun, 23 Jan 2022 14:52:40 +0000 <br>Just have faith in him <br>Best thing you could do <br>There will be many countries <br>This year struggling <br>Earth quakes <br>Rains <br>Tornado <br>Tidal waives <br>You name it <br>The angels will bring it all <br>They may even crack the fault line <br>Big trouble <br>How do I know <br>Because I’m very old <br>You could say ancient old <br>Learn from me everyone <br>And see it all happen <br>Afterwards <br>I’m here to help you all <br>Most of all <br>I’m here to help Jesus <br>I will be here until the end of the 7 year tribulation<br>Until I have given all I got <br>For Jesus<br>The angels have decided this <br>Time the world humbles themselves to God]]> the raising of the dead
The blood was in Jesus
Now Jesus has spread the blood
In everyone
The truth
The honesty
The test
The challenge
And the great meltdown

Has begun
Jan 2022
The new beginning
The planet was reset
God is awakening the 60-70 percent
Be ready
For gods fire 🔥
Just have faith in him
Best thing you could do
There will be many countries
This year struggling
Earth quakes
Tidal waives
You name it
The angels will bring it all
They may even crack the fault line
Big trouble
How do I know
Because I’m very old
You could say ancient old
Learn from me everyone
And see it all happen
I’m here to help you all
Most of all
I’m here to help Jesus
I will be here until the end of the 7 year tribulation
Until I have given all I got
For Jesus
The angels have decided this
Time the world humbles themselves to God

By: Hunter Hemingway Sun, 23 Jan 2022 04:30:06 +0000 <br>This is humans coordinating a massive evacuation within a few hours….sure sure.]]> Don’t worry folks. You’ve got a couple of hours to evacuate…so like for sure there won’t be a traffic jam with you stuck in it 🤦🏻‍♂️
This is humans coordinating a massive evacuation within a few hours….sure sure.

By: LaToya Matson Sun, 23 Jan 2022 00:58:34 +0000 Funny how La Palma is erupting as he posts this

By: LaToya Matson Sun, 23 Jan 2022 00:57:33 +0000 Why is everything always hitting the USA

By: BEN, Profeten i Landet, i Världen, den Ende Sat, 22 Jan 2022 18:26:24 +0000 , high Tsunamis 🌊 big Storms 💨 and Hurricanes 🌪 powerful Earthquakes, inferno Fires🔥, mega Volcano eruptions 🌋 Famines, lack of Food, indescribable Happenings, fearful Sights and WAR ☢ the Sword 🗡 are now sent down from my God in Heaven, because of no one will listen to HIS voice 📣 anymore:<br><br>Therefore..<br> God's judgements over the ungodly and religious people (not the Saved ones!) Will increase more and more, until they eventually repent and turn to JESUS CHRIST Our Saviour! <br><br>There is no other ways for God to show, except this horrific Judgements now. The fearful one will be overruled by another! 😥<br><br>Like in Egypt when Moses spoke the word from God, like in Sodom and Gomorrah, when Abraham saved Lot,<br>like the flood when Noah saved His family.<br><br>Those who love their Friend and Saviour JESUS CHRIST will enjoy and praise the LORD in Heaven because they know their God. <br>Daniel 11:32-33.<br><br>Now it's happening, now it's the time. Be prepared, be ready to meet your Saviour Jesus Christ! In Mercy...or in Anger 📖<br><br>If you don't believe in AND following JESUS...poor you.<br><br>"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is ABOVE every name: That at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."<br><br>Philippians 2:9-‬11 KJV 📖<br>MARANATAH!<br><br>/BEN, Prophet in the World, the only One 🗡🛡 📣]]> Plagues, hard Diseases, incredible Floods 🚣, high Tsunamis 🌊 big Storms 💨 and Hurricanes 🌪️ powerful Earthquakes, inferno Fires🔥, mega Volcano eruptions 🌋 Famines, lack of Food, indescribable Happenings, fearful Sights and WAR ☢️ the Sword 🗡️ are now sent down from my God in Heaven, because of no one will listen to HIS voice 📣 anymore:

God's judgements over the ungodly and religious people (not the Saved ones!) Will increase more and more, until they eventually repent and turn to JESUS CHRIST Our Saviour!

There is no other ways for God to show, except this horrific Judgements now. The fearful one will be overruled by another! 😥

Like in Egypt when Moses spoke the word from God, like in Sodom and Gomorrah, when Abraham saved Lot,
like the flood when Noah saved His family.

Those who love their Friend and Saviour JESUS CHRIST will enjoy and praise the LORD in Heaven because they know their God.
Daniel 11:32-33.

Now it's happening, now it's the time. Be prepared, be ready to meet your Saviour Jesus Christ! In Mercy…or in Anger 📖

If you don't believe in AND following JESUS…poor you.

"Wherefore God also hath highly exalted Him, and given Him a name which is ABOVE every name: That at the name of JESUS every knee should bow, of things in Heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father."

Philippians 2:9-‬11 KJV 📖

/BEN, Prophet in the World, the only One 🗡️🛡️ 📣

By: Hooded Dreamers Sat, 22 Jan 2022 08:03:19 +0000 Watching videos like this makes me happy I’m British. We for the most part are just chillin, we are spectators.

By: Tru Payne Fri, 21 Jan 2022 17:18:43 +0000 I live in Ohio, and as you know Ohio's surrounded by lots of water and if this happens and spread we wouldn't survive. We barely survived the tornadoes that hit our valley….

By: Sean Gray Fri, 21 Jan 2022 16:29:59 +0000 This Nigga called the newest earthquake/volcano eruption in the pacific

By: The Real George Washington Fri, 21 Jan 2022 08:15:36 +0000 The videos I watch when I can’t sleep
