Comments on: Every Tornado Type – A Complete List of Whirlwinds Exploring The Unknown Wed, 06 Mar 2024 23:21:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: @blueberry_gtag Wed, 06 Mar 2024 23:21:36 +0000 12:16 IT’S VORTICES SWEGLE

By: @seisies-mama Wed, 06 Mar 2024 21:50:30 +0000 eddy,dust devil,snow devil,and 4 legit 🌪(1 rope,1 cone,1 stove pipe, 1 anticyclonic) plenty of scud/slc,2 cold air funnels]]> I've seen a 🍃 eddy,dust devil,snow devil,and 4 legit 🌪(1 rope,1 cone,1 stove pipe, 1 anticyclonic) plenty of scud/slc,2 cold air funnels

By: @nicolegarrido6182 Tue, 05 Mar 2024 03:46:54 +0000 In 5:26 there’s is a tornado right there but they have a anthor tornado

By: @SpookyMane16 Tue, 05 Mar 2024 00:24:01 +0000 ]]> There is also an anti-cyclonic whirlwind/tornado that spins in the opposite direction a normal tornado would. 🌪️

By: @littlecherry78 Sat, 02 Mar 2024 05:44:29 +0000 😀]]> you forgot cosmic tornadoes,hey devils ,debris devils ,updraft,downdraft,downburst,macroburst,microburst,debris devil,whirlpools😀😀

By: @Eggyteevee Fri, 01 Mar 2024 23:05:22 +0000 Heres a lil story I was barely told

Back in March 1967, in my hometown Caraguatatuba (north coast São Paulo, Brasil), a Waterspout has struck the city, one thing I didn't know is that with Waterspouts come great rains, and those rains lasted an entire month before the Waterspout occurred, and the rain was powerful enough to make the Sea Mountains have a Landslide
Now, for context, the Seamountains are a chain of mountains that extend from Rio de Janeiro all the way to Santa Catarina, no matter where you are, you'll see the Mountains cover the view of what's beyond, and they are quite a bit tall, going over 2km tall, and this is where the Landslide part come in
Since the mountains come from east to west, there's no escape from such a event, you look at south you'll see the open Ocean and further islands, yoh look north and you'll see the Seamountains, the Waterspout brought with it a violent rain, which caused half the Seamountains have a landslide, rivers were overflowing with water, anywhere near the sea would be underwater in matter of minutes, anywhere close to the mountains would be hit by the landslide destroying everything in its path, and pushing everything through

The press said only 450 people were killed, but over 2 thousand died in the real event, 30 thousand trees were taken down by the landslide, 400 houses were buried in the mud and 3 thousand people lost their houses (there were around 15k people in Caragua at time), Caragua was forgotten by time, and many families abandoned the city, in fear of it happening again. To this day, the Waterspout of '67 was the most catastrophic natural disaster in the history of Brazil

19 years later, in 1986, my family arrives from Natividade da Serra, and since then most of our family have been living in here, today in March 2024, it doesn't even look like this was place of what the Flood looked like, it's a nice place to stay today

By: @ericascali5427 Thu, 29 Feb 2024 09:35:21 +0000 😢]]> 😢😢

By: @JBPlaysYouTube Thu, 29 Feb 2024 00:00:08 +0000 ]]> YOU DIDNT MENTION WATERBOTTLENADO I was always concerned they would turn into real tornadoes🤣

By: @hollowlight1 Mon, 26 Feb 2024 14:35:48 +0000 To be honest what are we supposed to do if there's a fire tornado LoL

By: @Akira_297 Mon, 26 Feb 2024 06:17:17 +0000 I’ve been through a supercell and it is calm
