FBI File: Glossary of Marxist/ Communist Words and Phrases (Date Unknown/Cold War Era)

This glossary, prepared by the FBI from a wide range of Communist literature, offers a glimpse into the specific language and terminology used by Communists during the Cold War era.

Key highlights from the document include:

  1. The Concept of ‘Action’: Communists emphasize that an idea holds no value unless applied. Marxism, in their view, is not just a theory but a dynamic course of action, necessitating both the destruction of the current order and the construction of a new one in pursuit of a complete victory for Marxism. This notion underscores the primacy of deeds and results over mere words in Communist ideology​.
  2. ‘Agent-Provocateur’: This term refers to individuals who infiltrate organizations under the guise of supporting their principles while intending to disrupt their activities or provoke illegal actions. Communists have often used this term, especially in recent years, to describe individuals who do not fully align with their party principles and policies, including former members and Trotskyites​.
  3. Agitation and Propaganda: Communists believe in stirring up and encouraging the masses to consider social issues from a Communist perspective, aiming to win support for their programs. The distinction between agitation and propaganda is significant in their strategy: agitation focuses on promoting a single, clear-cut idea or action, while propaganda encompasses a broader range of ideas and actions as part of a larger pattern​.
  4. Military Strategies: The glossary reveals a belief in the inevitability of warfare between Communist and non-Communist nations. Communists advocate for the development and strengthening of their military forces while simultaneously working to weaken and demoralize non-Communist armed forces through various means, including the spread of pacifist doctrines and undermining military discipline and credibility​.

The release of this glossary is important as it serves as a historical reference, illustrating the linguistic and strategic nuances that were pivotal during the Cold War era. It provides valuable insights into the mindset and tactics of Communist parties, contributing to a deeper understanding of the ideological and geopolitical conflicts of that time.

Document Archive

FBI File: Glossary of Marxist/ Communist Words and Phrases (Date Unknown/Cold War Era) [1,129 Pages, 47MB]




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