Comments on: Hear the details of a new UFO report released by US government Exploring The Unknown Sun, 07 May 2023 05:46:35 +0000 hourly 1 By: Opinion 1 Sun, 07 May 2023 05:46:35 +0000 It's step into more bullshit

By: jamochashake57 Fri, 05 May 2023 00:41:19 +0000 The feds will never reveal the truth about our visitors, you need to search elsewhere

By: Nebulous Black Wed, 03 May 2023 15:15:35 +0000 What if hear me out the US government is running a psyop on all the pscyzophranics who have wanted to believe this the past 60yrs i just can't help but get a sense of deja vu with the Leary interviews sensationalist news segments preying on people's disassociation and keeping them from making any real change or fighting for systemic issues because thier to busy smoking crck in thier trailors chasing grey aliens to fight for something relevant or real or even personal but i geuss its easier then work.

By: dewna demand Sun, 30 Apr 2023 14:06:54 +0000 Very nice information love USA from Ahiyapur Muzaffarpur Bihar India

By: arnold Gonzalez Thu, 27 Apr 2023 13:46:58 +0000 I believe

By: Andrew Mon, 24 Apr 2023 21:25:31 +0000 these things happen around air force bases or military testing areas, the governments are not going to tell what they are capable of on the internet for the world to see. However i do believe in extra terrestrial life we are just a microscopic fraction of a cunt hair in the universe.

By: Thesortvokter Mon, 24 Apr 2023 18:19:35 +0000 Fake government and CNN is controlled media.

By: Lee no Sun, 23 Apr 2023 22:01:10 +0000 People need to look at the definition of aliens and ufos. They never were meant as a holding place for extraterrestrial. Idk if ets exist but I do know that china and the Russians have all the motivation to be the ones doing it. Also when they reported where these sightings occurred it was either on our coastlines which we want to keep safe and defended or theatres of war overseas. The areas between NATO Allies , Russians and Chinese.

By: Alpha Bravo Thu, 20 Apr 2023 11:37:54 +0000 ]]> They aren’t UFOs it’s just Chinese gas escaping from Uranus. Lol, no seriously with all the technology in photography and the best anyone can come up with is grainy 1920s style pics, I mean come on the average phone these days takes high resolution photos used in all sorts of publications and this black and white garbage is the best you can muster. 😂

By: Ethan William Fri, 14 Apr 2023 06:05:21 +0000 This really needs to be taken seriously and our best and brightest physicists, astronomers, biologists, etc. should be working on this. However, if you mention uaps in these circles you will be shunned by acadamia. It makes no sense. the entire scientific community should be put on high alert as to come up with a valid and proven explanation. Since they are not, it leads me to believe that the Gov knows exactly what they are, be it man made or otherwise, and they are not willing to give the public a real answer.
