Review of the Soviet Ground Forces, August 1983 – DDB-1100-418-83

The Review is published by the Soviet Warsaw Pact Division, Directorate for Research, Defense Intelligence Agency, to provide the widest dissemination of material relating to the Soviet Ground Forces based upon information from the Soviet military press and DIA unclassified works.

The Black Vault first filed for the below document in November of 2015, with the DIA. The request was given a β€œno records” response. A new request to DTIC was filed in 2016. That request was forwarded to the DIA, seemingly just in a full circle. At that time, The Black Vault was told the document was attached to the forwarded request, and from 2016 through September of 2022, the document was processed, then released.

It is now available below after a near 7 year effort to get it.

Document Archive

Review of the Soviet Ground Forces, August 1983 – DDB-1100-418-83 [56 Pages, 5MB]


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