Tag: Full length Documentaries

Strange Weather

The Deadliest Tsunamis Of All Time | Mega Disaster | Earth Stories

Tsunamis are the oceans deadliest forces, bringing giant waves with immense and unstoppable power. No coastline on the planet is truly safe from these massive...
Strange Weather

Biblical Weather Prophecy Events Happening – Extreme Weather Conditions Around The Globe

Incognito X
Biblical Weather Prophecy Event Happening – Extreme weather conditions around the globe https://www.profit-preneurship.com/profit-preneurship The Earth’s climate has changed throughout history. Just in the last 650,000...
Strange Weather

Recreating The Volcanic Eruption That Led To The Dark Ages | Catastrophe | Timeline

A devastating volcanic eruption in A.D. 535 leads to the emergence of new nations and religions. Written records from China, Italy, Palestine and many other...
Strange Weather

How Krakatoa Caused The Worst Year In History | Catastrophe | Timeline

Researching a climatic catastrophe that rocked the Earth in A.D. 535, causing two years of darkness, famine, drought and disease. Written records from China, Italy,...