mindboggler – Paranormal Activity http://paranormalactivity.org Exploring The Unknown Mon, 22 Mar 2021 12:30:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.4 If These Phenomena Weren't Recorded, No One Would Believe http://paranormalactivity.org/if-these-phenomena-werent-recorded-no-one-would-believe/ http://paranormalactivity.org/if-these-phenomena-werent-recorded-no-one-would-believe/#comments Mon, 22 Mar 2021 12:30:02 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/if-these-phenomena-werent-recorded-no-one-would-believe/

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Weather phenomena is a part of the deal when living on this planet. Most of us are used to the regular rain showers or snowfalls, but those are just lightweights when it comes to what mother nature can really throw at us. For example, some regions of the world are prone to earthquakes that it is not unusual to see skyscrapers swaying wildly during an episode. There are places where it snows so hard that you literally have to dig your way out of the snow to get outside your house. All of this might sound alien to most of us since we might be fortunate enough to not experience them but that isn’t the case for everyone. We bring to you mother nature’s true fury in all its forms and if it wasn’t recorded, no one would ever believe that it actually happened.


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12 Most Extreme Weather Events Caught on Video http://paranormalactivity.org/12-most-extreme-weather-events-caught-on-video/ http://paranormalactivity.org/12-most-extreme-weather-events-caught-on-video/#comments Tue, 02 Mar 2021 13:47:54 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/12-most-extreme-weather-events-caught-on-video/

For copyright queries please get in touch: legal@themindboggler.comYou can’t escape the weather. It’s all around us. Though waking up to a sunny and bright day makes you want to go out and seize the day, there are days when the weather is downright dull and gloomy. But on rare occasions, you might even wake up to the storm of the century. If you have never experienced anything as crazy, then get ready. Here are 12 most extreme weather events caught on video. Hang on tight.
#naturalphenomenon #extremeweather #mindboggler


http://paranormalactivity.org/12-most-extreme-weather-events-caught-on-video/feed/ 30
5 Strange Natural Phenomena That Happened On Earth http://paranormalactivity.org/5-strange-natural-phenomena-that-happened-on-earth/ http://paranormalactivity.org/5-strange-natural-phenomena-that-happened-on-earth/#comments Wed, 24 Jul 2019 17:11:43 +0000 http://paranormalactivity.org/5-strange-natural-phenomena-that-happened-on-earth/

While there are unexplainable happenings that we consider to be a “miracle” or just simply a science blunder, there are many things that were unusual, yes, but eventually explainable.
In recent years various natural disasters has appeared more and more often . All over the world there are cataclysmic events that should make us begin to seriously think about the future of our planet . Here are 5 Strange Natural Phenomena that Happened On Earth.

#whatonearth #impossibleplaces #strangephenomena


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10 Strange Phenomenon’s that Happened Around The World http://paranormalactivity.org/10-strange-phenomenons-that-happened-around-the-world/ http://paranormalactivity.org/10-strange-phenomenons-that-happened-around-the-world/#comments Thu, 14 Mar 2019 13:30:00 +0000 https://paranormalactivity.org/10-strange-phenomenons-that-happened-around-the-world/

Nature can be unbelievably powerful. A major earthquake can topple huge buildings and bring down entire mountainsides. At Niagara Falls, more than 500,000 gallons of water crash down 18 stories into the Niagara River every second—enough to fill nearly 50 Olympic-size swimming pools in a minute! And everyone knows about hurricanes, blizzards, avalanches, forest fires, floods, tidal waves, bird tracks, and even thunderstorms. But if you thought Mother Nature didn’t have many surprises up her sleeve, think again. Nature has a load of other powers that, while less well-known, can only be described as, well, freaky.

#Impossibleplaces #Science #Strange


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