UFO Seen Over Jakarta, Indonesia On April 13, 2023, UFO Sighting News. Video


Date of sighting: April 13, 2023

Location of sighting: Jakarta, Indonesia, USA

Source: MUFON

Some viewers are calling this UFO a tictac, which is shaped like the candy. Very true, many UFOs do have a tictac appearance, even disks seen from the side appear as this tictac shape. The eyewitness seemed to be confused at that he was looking at saying…is it a jet, nah, at one point in the video. Whatever it is it has no wings, no tail, no contrail, no windows or lights. This seems like a UFO trying to disguise as a plane, make itself fit in that way, yet its doesn’t fit in at all. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan

Eyewitness states:
Object 1st appeared near the sky line, was Cigar Shaped sometimes almost looked like a saucer. It was traveling from the SW towards the NE (30 degrees) at a steady speed below the clouds. Weather was mostly clear with strong West winds. This occurred just as the sun had set. There was no sounds or flashing lights. I filmed this at the maximum zoom on my hand phone…

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