Strange Weather

Weekly Vlog #1 | Weird Weather | Broken Tech | Good Stuff on TV | Prince Philip | Lockdown Easing

This is a new strand for Planet Keef in which I’ll be doing a weekly review of some of the week’s happenings. Should be fun. In this episode, I talk about the weird weather, some good things we’ve been watching on TV, have a little rant about broken bits of technology we have, another rant about the BBC’s over-reaction to the passing of Prince Philip, and a quick look forward to the slight easing of lockdown.





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Dwayne Wladyka April 13, 2021 at 8:23 am

Thanks for sharing this. I do remember one March day, where it snowed, rained, had hail, and was sunny. The weather can get interesting. I also wonder why they don't make things like they used to. It's nice that the kids could get out and burn that energy they have. As for Prince Philip, 99 is a very long life. My grandparents all lived past 90, as did some of my aunts, and an uncle. Cheers, Keef!

Ian Tullie April 13, 2021 at 8:41 am

Hi Keef. Thanks – great little video. On your printer, I gave up on inkjets a few years ago precisely because of the cost of the ink. Have you considered getting a colour laser printer instead, if it isn't too late and you've already pressed "go" on the subscription model? If you can find one on eBay (and there's one for thirty quid now), the one I have is a Dell C1765NFW, and it's been bullet proof. The toner cartridges are super cheap if you don't buy the official Dell ones, and they last ages – my kids are always printing out random crap. It's also a scanner, fax and copier and is networked, so that makes it really handy.

Edgar Burlyman April 13, 2021 at 9:00 am

Planned obsolescence, there's the phrase. Makes me mad too.

I've got some 6" tall peas and beets growing, and some tiny little tomatoes, watermelons, okra and peppers. And some sunflowers and pumpkins that are somewhere inbetween. Some carrots and lettuces that never came up and some corn that might still but I'm losing hope on. The corn I blame on the seeds being old.

AlfOfAllTrades April 13, 2021 at 9:50 am

Your scaling up glass kettles: Fill them up with a vinegar/water mix and heat them up. I use a 35% vinegar, mix with water to a ratio of about 3-5% vinegar. Works a treat. Works excellent on stainless too. Not sure about aluminium.

Brenda Rigdon's Brens Den. April 13, 2021 at 9:51 am

Our Telly got the dreaded blue screen in the living room πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

Alan K April 13, 2021 at 1:00 pm

Good stuff. I do like unscripted chat

Mr Krasker April 13, 2021 at 2:58 pm

The waste ink pad in your printer must be full. The dirty little secret about printers is they have a waste ink pad that sucks up the ink from the head cleaning. About 1/3 of the ink in a cartridge is wasted just in the print head cleaning process. The pads can be changed and the printer can be reset.

Jeffrey Austin April 14, 2021 at 1:28 am

Witter away! Interesting, and fun save for all the damn things breaking. I have a weird fetish for machines that are disinclined to break. My toaster is a glamorous art deco thing, all fluted chrome, that dates to 1931 or so. Someone replaced the cord sometime… but that's it. I run two fridges, one in the kitchen and a smaller one in the cellar for overflow. 1933, both of them, and I really get sick of defrosting them, but they hum mindlessly away, although I'm not always sure about the mindless part. Meanwhile, fie on all crap Canon printers. (I'd wish them a pox, but Canon seems to have baked that one into their design ethos.) Meanwhile, best to you and Mrs. Planet!

Beverley April 14, 2021 at 2:32 am

I have a printer that sends you ink when it runs out automatically. It’s convenient for sure.

As I’m not in the uk I did find your comment about the bbc & prince Philip interesting. Talk about overkill.

Will these videos be a weekly thing from now on? Hope so, look forward to your next video.

Peyton July 27, 2021 at 9:21 pm

Great vid, keep uploading! Why aren’t you using promosm?! It will help your videos start to trend!

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