Comments on: What Role Does Temperature Play In Weather? | Richard Hammond's: Wild Weather | Spark Exploring The Unknown Wed, 15 Dec 2021 03:59:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: J Bird Wed, 15 Dec 2021 03:59:31 +0000 Lots of nay sayers against any kind of weather modification. Whats worse, risking some weather modification or suffering the consequences of climate change, If it hasnt hit you yet you probaly dont care. There is a gentler solution, We can put dust into high altitude like 45,000 feet. We can use the natural models of volcanic eruptions and forest fires to predict some what the outcome. By using dust, something that exist in traffic and nature, Its a low-risk venture, Using lime dust the lime acts like an anti-acid and remedies acid rain and acid water. I suggest we dont do the whole planet but regions where it is hotter then comfortable like over 90°. Savings from air-conditioning can pay for the project. Wouldn't you like cooler weather? A byproduct of the action would be long term global temperature mitigation. I would say try it and see with one aircraft; we can use the 747 used for dumping fire retardant on wild fires. Put a dust cloud at say 5,000 feet then measure the sunlight loss. Lots of sunlight up there so all we have to do is reflect like 2 to 5 % of the sky to lower temperature 10° or 20°. This is different than making rain because the only consequence is cooling. It is manageable because if it gets too cool, we stop, the dust will fall out after a few years. Long term i would say 10 aircraft on the west coast, approaching 50,000 ft, could drop dust that would shade the southern USA. Like air-conditioning, once you try it you wont stop. Bear in mind this is a stop-gap measure until we can lower hot weather producing gases. Electric cars and reneweable energy would be an eventual change over.

By: Dave Hammerton Sat, 11 Dec 2021 08:27:04 +0000 This man cannot drive.

By: Niels Thomassen Mon, 22 Nov 2021 11:29:48 +0000 53:15

Warning for those who laugh at everything

By: Green Nebula Fri, 19 Nov 2021 11:32:36 +0000 ]]> 7:27 🎶

By: Yecto Sat, 23 Oct 2021 06:21:05 +0000 45:04 you are not the only one

By: Yecto Sat, 23 Oct 2021 06:19:16 +0000 45:04 u are not the only one

By: Electric Cosmology Wed, 29 Sep 2021 19:03:24 +0000 It has little or no effect as heat air pressure etc are by products of moving charge through the atmosphere and so are not the drivers of weather. The voltage gradient between the negatively charged earth and the positively charged ionosphere rises by about a hundred volts per metre and it is the interplay of electrical currents coming into and out of the planet and traveling through the atmosphere that drives our weather. A paragraph from my piece on Electric Weather Mechanics- "…. An electric vacuum cleaner spins by way of an electric motor and it is its high spin rate that creates low air pressure and so making the cleaner suck and likewise, it’s not the Low pressure creating the movement through the atmosphere. But instead, its the spinning charge through the atmosphere that is creating the low pressure.

By: Chase Hicks Thu, 23 Sep 2021 17:58:18 +0000 That's absolutely amazing with the paper helicopters. Ian we know the science should work. But to see it is spectacular

By: Jaime Martinez Tue, 21 Sep 2021 19:04:13 +0000 All of it is the energy source

By: rayan Sat, 11 Sep 2021 21:16:31 +0000 .
