White Sphere Seen Shooting Over Ontario, Canada, Video, UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: 5-15-2022

Location of sighting: Ontario, Canada

Email report: send to scwaring@yahoo.com 

Here is an awesome catch of a white UFO orb at play. Yes, even alien drones with AI have to have some fun. This one is huge, the size of car and has a very spherical shape to it. These are the most common types of UFOs seen worldwide, but at night they move slower and are mistaken for stars. Oh…and the AI drone UFOs…are alive. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

Eyewitness states:

It was an egg or a tic tac object. Was moving really fast then slow down keep moving in different direction. I took pics and videos. I was able to zoom.


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