Comments on: 10 Weird Things About North Carolina Exploring The Unknown Thu, 23 Dec 2021 04:13:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: _Fox1Gamer4 _ Thu, 23 Dec 2021 04:13:36 +0000 Rhett and links teacher was my teachers assistant when I was in 4th grade

By: Tiffany Newcomb Thu, 16 Dec 2021 04:17:54 +0000 I'm from nc everyone had their own opinion, this is mine. I love pulled pork, I do not call it bbq, it call it pulled pork. I hate bbq sauce, it's nasty. I only eat pulled pork one way thats with hot sauce, (depends on the cole slaw). and chili. For the food trucks the only good food trucks here is mexican. When I go I order 10 steak/beef (both are the same). With whatever I want on the side (depending on the truck). Crispy creme taste like shit. I don't eat sweets (I hate sweet food). Sweet potatoes suck. Yes we use a ton of milk! My hubby drinks a gallon a day. We have 3 kids they also drink a gallon to half a gallon a day. On a non busy day we go thru about a gallon and a half of milk a day. If were home all day it's 2 gallons and a half easy! I don't know anything about the land of oz. I was born in durham nc, I grew up going to 10 different schools (elementary to high), I have love in every county almost. Nc food sucks. There is only about 5 places that are worth being called "decent" restaurants. Also charlotte sucks ass. And Raleigh is so packed even mcdonald's takes about 45 minutes to a hour in the drive thru. Also if you go to caswell county and towards there to live, if you need emergency help, robbed, or work at a gas station, or anything like that, or need to call for help. Do not expect it. The police suck, if you work at a store and are robbed you will be there for a hour at least, even your dead/about to die. If you need a ambulance or fire team, expect a minimum of a hour. And when they get there they will complain about being there. The cops sit at gas stations to smoke, and talk shit, about their job and the people. If your getting pulled expect to get tickets from things that are not even driving releated. If you go alamance if you get lucky you will have a nice Police officer to treat you like a human. The test will spit in your face, call you trash, and try to arrest you over a broken tail light, and say you have drugs in it. Even if your a doctor running late for a hospital shift, and you were going 4 mph over the speed limit. So many people want to move here and its horrible. It is making it all so much worse. I get paid $2.50 a hour as a waitress, my tips are under the table. For a massive company, i was also a Manager at a big company, for 2 stores and got $10.00 a hour. The rent here is a minimum of 600 a month. If your lucky to find something cheaper. To get housing help, they need to get a dna test of your children, and there biological father, your income, to contact the biological father. Even if the father or mother left when baby was born/pior. (Even if it's over 5 years no contact you don't even know their name anymore). If you want to move here and get a job expect to make $10.00 a hour, get fired for nothing (we can fire you, and not have a reason, we can just not like you). Then have a cheap rent of 600 a month. If call all the human homeless shelters they are all full. (They will not take you). There are so many homeless people, and no government aid, each county makes their own help. The best county for help is orange county. Wic , food , and more. If you own a home they will not work you for any reason for cheaper, fire, home, or any insurance. Each county in nc decides if your good enough, and each county hides so much!. For example caswell county only has peidmont electric, they are super expensive, they will charge you for nothing, and make up reasons to why the the extra $100 is charged to you, if you don't pay it by a minimum of the day before your due your power will be cut off 24 hours in advance. The internet in nc sucks. Only certain places are aloud to have it like elon , certain places in greensboro, certain places in bull city (durham) and so forth. If you live more then 10 miles from a major area your internet will be compromised/ you will have no internet access. If it snows the whole state shuts down because there idiots , no one can drive, they can't salt the roads, and everyone acts like there dying. If a rain storm, or any type of storm comes there will be no milk, no bread, no eggs, no nothing in the stores, (like they will survive with no power dumbasses). The schools all sucks, exp in caswell county, and greensboro. The schools will bully your children, the employee have no common sense, they act like there from another planet if you talk to them. There all race bully's as well. Greensboro (certain parts bully black children in school, certain parts are only blacks, and will bully all white children, and parents. Caswell county only bullys white children, the schools make up lies about parents, will make cps calls to lie if you like you, to get your children taken If your white, and God forbid you have a mixed child in caswell county, and the school system finds out. They can cause you to loose your child for being half and half. In greensboro certain parts are close to caswell but not as bad. Raleigh for the stuck up assholes, who look down on you and think your shit (and try to keep a good profile). Charlotte is full of gangs, killings, you will get robbed, and charlotte just like Raleigh fake everything about them. The people are evil, mean, fake, two faced , exp to be robbed all the time, and make sure you always have some one with you. Chapel hill is not so bad, full of collage partying idiots, who Wana drink, try drugs, and go party.

By: Nunya Business Wed, 08 Dec 2021 01:09:39 +0000 As I said in another video, barbecue is not a grill or an event. You don't cook on a barbecue and you don't go to a barbecue. Barbecue is pork shoulder, ribs and brisket cooked a specific way.

By: Ana Shelton Fri, 29 Oct 2021 19:30:35 +0000 I want cannabis to be nc best crop

By: Vtc283 Sun, 03 Oct 2021 04:00:40 +0000 I’m moving from Minneapolis to the western part of the state do you think it will be as cold as up north or it will melt the next day

By: HeroX Animations Sat, 04 Sep 2021 23:45:12 +0000 huh?
its not normal?

By: North Carolina Sun, 01 Aug 2021 08:14:40 +0000 North Carolina is such a cool place.

By: Kyli Wed, 23 Jun 2021 18:13:02 +0000 ]]> I did’t realize all the things we did weren’t normal 😂

By: The Quiet Earth Garden Mon, 21 Jun 2021 15:33:46 +0000 This is NC not wherever you came from

By: Vuitton, The Ruler Sun, 06 Jun 2021 06:21:26 +0000 Just stick with Raleigh or Charlotte]]> Fuquay isn't the most interesting at all 😂 Just stick with Raleigh or Charlotte
