458 Photos of UAP Between Apollo 16 Module around the Moon, April 1972, Video, UFO Sighing News.


Date of discovery: March 9, 2011, but made a new video. 
Location of discover: Earths moon

Mission: Apollo 16

Hey I first found this back in 2011 and had very few readers and Youtube subscribers, but decided to make it again in HD so that all you good folks can take a look. The object is in the far left of the panoramic photos and clearly shows a glowing energy cloud that shape-shifts from a rectangle to a three clover craft. 

It’s easy to dismiss a photo or even two of a UFO in the NASA index, but how easy do you think it is to dismiss 458 consecutive photos? Because thats how many this UFO appears in. Of those photos 40 are incredibly detailed. 

The UFO positioned itself between the moon and the lunar module…just a bit ahead of it to make sure it was seen by the astronauts. I bet they saw this but kept their mouths shut due to NASA being a stickler about hiding these things. 

100% proof…times 458…equals 45,800% proof that this is an alien spaceship. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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