Comments on: 50 Weird & Confusing Facts About British Life & Culture Exploring The Unknown Sat, 02 Jul 2022 23:55:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: WilliA Wilkes Sat, 02 Jul 2022 23:55:31 +0000 You nay……..,.

By: Selina Kwame Fri, 01 Jul 2022 21:31:41 +0000 Not really , in my country we rather consider it as a bore, not really important so we don't mind lines kipping

By: G The First Fri, 01 Jul 2022 15:34:46 +0000 I can finally understand my boyfriend even better. Thank you! xD

By: Nicole Toong Thu, 30 Jun 2022 10:06:53 +0000 Queue!!! You will enjoy in SG when you come. 🙂
People here loves to queue. Younger days, I and my friend joined queue (pretty long one) at the hawker ctr without knowing where this queue land…

By: Amandeep Kaur Wed, 29 Jun 2022 03:20:41 +0000 ]]> wow such a nice thing to give seat to elderly people in britain . we do it a lot in india . I don’t see it a lot in canada though ☹️

By: Gabriela Mendes Tue, 28 Jun 2022 19:43:04 +0000 ]]> I live in Ireland and they do the same things 🤣

By: Frank Brodie Mon, 27 Jun 2022 14:09:56 +0000 Car horns? I've actually got out of my car at traffic lights because the car behind me beeped his horn in frustration that I didn't drive off at the split second the lights changed to green. (It's that old joke. The shortest known length of time? The time between the lights going to green, and the car behind you beeping.) Well this one day I was already in a foul mood having been to Ikea with the family. (Yep, that'll do it, everyone cries in unison.) So, I hand-braked up and got out and started looking at MY car. He's now shouting out of his window asking what I'm doing? "Well you beeped your horn. I thought there must be something wrong with my car, because that would be the only sensible reason anyone would beep at the car in front in what is basically stationary traffic.." Might have made him think twice before doing it again, who knows? Oh and fwiw, don't try this if you're not a big bloke btw.. lol

By: Barry Rafferty Mon, 27 Jun 2022 00:07:54 +0000 Proud to be British and English by the grace of God.

By: Christopher Graham Sun, 26 Jun 2022 14:13:17 +0000 Number 15: It really isn't a bother for me to hold the door for a short while. My great-grandmother taught me that it takes 2 seconds out of your day to be nice to someone, and a lifetime to regret being mean. And besides, I stopped being in a hurry when the US Government (Army) handed me my walking papers.

By: Jason Sun, 26 Jun 2022 10:56:51 +0000 Number 3: …. Unless u live in certain parts of South London where its every man for himself. Get in where u fit in type of thing lol
