Comments on: 8 MYSTERIOUS Cases Of Forbidden History! Exploring The Unknown Fri, 14 Oct 2022 20:43:20 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kim Kracht Fri, 14 Oct 2022 20:43:20 +0000 It sounds like a real s*** show

By: James Miller Fri, 09 Sep 2022 20:44:59 +0000 hi


By: Stephen Beres Wed, 07 Sep 2022 03:36:32 +0000 Project Azorian enlisted the help of Howard Hughes as a cover for the operation. Hughes created a "deep sea mining vessel" called the Glomar Explorer with which he said was going to collect manganese from the ocean floor. The vessel, in fact was the crane hoist used to recover the Soviet submarine.

By: Corey Leader Mon, 22 Aug 2022 12:13:33 +0000 The China protests sounds alot like what Trudeau wanted with the truckers legal protest.

By: Lowell Martin Tue, 16 Aug 2022 23:21:29 +0000 One of the slickest CIA Operations against the USSR took place right here in the United States.
This involved one of the newest technologies of the time.
A Soviet Embassy contracted with Xerox for a copier. The CIA approached Xerox and the company easily created a disguised part that was a camera. From what, I remember about the story the unit that contained the camera was something that needed periodic replacement. The Xerox technician would remove the part and install the new part. At Xerox the film was removed and handed over to the CIA.
I can't remember how long this operation ran, but there were thousands upon thousands of documents captured perfectly.

By: Yash Singh Mon, 15 Aug 2022 12:01:45 +0000 The titanic was an insurance fraud. The titanic never sank then, the olympic did. There is a documentary here on youtube that proves that through its investigative research. The nature of the truth is outrageous, and those involved abominable, a disgrace to humanity.

By: Yash Singh Mon, 15 Aug 2022 11:55:09 +0000 Bill Clinton, USA’s only black president, looking out for his brothers. Amen.

By: Yash Singh Mon, 15 Aug 2022 11:54:24 +0000 “Mr Powell, what do you have to say about the bohemian groves.”
“There are known knowns and known unknowns. The bohemian groves are an unknown unknown.”

By: Joseph Akinpelu Sun, 14 Aug 2022 20:56:36 +0000 You forgot to list and mention the mystery of Nigeria Lekki Toll gate killing

By: Jonah Ghost Mon, 08 Aug 2022 21:04:19 +0000 There is no such thing as an exorcism technique…. You are not the one doing it. It’s the Holy Spirit in you who is the power. All you have to do is to cast it out in Jesus name. Keep saying it until it leaves. It isn’t rocket science.. It’s that simple.
