A Youtuber Stole A Video And My Words To Call His Own, UFO Sighting News.



OMG this youtuber going by the name UFOvni2012 has been horrible to me for many years. He did it again yesterday. He stole the whole video that was sent to me. Then he stole me text I wrote about it from my blog post here, word for word, as if he wrote it. I make so many discoveries, but this guy not only bought 140,000 subscribers two months ago, but he steals all his material to make money. 

Guys this really makes me want to stop all this altogether. I feel like I’ve been attacked, like I have been assaulted. This is a horrible feeling. 

If you could tell him under his video to stop steal from Scott Waring I would appreciate it. 


Scott C. Waring – Taiwan


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