Apollo 16 LEM Photo Is Proof Of NASA Photoshop, NASA Source, UFO Sighting News.


Date of discovery: April 2014, but reposting today

Guys, I made this video back in 2014, but since then I’ve gone through thousands of Apollo mission photos. My firm conclusion is that the moon landings were 100% faked. The surface of the moon is always smoothed and sandy, when it should be less even and less smooth, more detail on the ground, correct shadows, rather than shadows going opposite directions in the same photo, ect. SCW

I found this photo and was confused at why space didn’t look like space, no stars, gasses or anything…nothing like what I see when I look at the live space station cam. The LEM (Lunar Excusion Module) also had perfect lighting which is odd for space. I decided to add a little light to the object to see if I could catch any UFOs in the background near it. However when I did, I found that the LEM had been photoshoped, superimposed upon the solid back background. I’m not sure what to make of this. It could be because NASA wanted that picture perfect moment and faked it, but what do you think? 

Scott C. Waring 

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