Grunge – Paranormal Activity Exploring The Unknown Tue, 21 Sep 2021 22:00:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Deadliest Earthquake In History That No One Talks About Tue, 21 Sep 2021 22:00:20 +0000

Earthquakes are bad. Over the course of human history, untold lives have been lost due to devastating earthquakes. Perhaps most frightening of all, scientists still haven’t yet figured out a way to predict earthquakes, making them in many ways the most dangerous of all natural disasters.

But while some earthquakes are famous, like the San Francisco Earthquake of 1906, the Great Chilean Earthquake of 1960, and the Indian Ocean Earthquake of 2004, the biggest tragedy in history has been almost forgotten: the Shaanxi Earthquake of 1556, which killed over 800,000 people. This is the deadliest earthquake in history that no one talks about.

#Earthquake #History #Disasters

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The Strange And Bizarre Truth About Christopher Columbus Mon, 11 May 2020 23:00:10 +0000

Christopher Columbus is a polarizing historical figure today, but there was a time when many championed his voyage from Spain to the Americas in 1492. Columbus Day is observed on October 11 each year to commemorate his famous trip, but in recent decades many are pointing to the harm committed under his governance and the subsequent European colonization of the Americas. For instance, the Taíno population of the island of Hispaniola was nearly exterminated due to disease and enslavement.

Columbus and his deeds will continue to be hotly debated, to be sure, and it only gets weirder the more you dig. Here is the strange and bizarre truth about Christopher Columbus.

#ChristopherColumbus #Columbus #History

He believed Eden was Earth’s nipple | 0:00
He incited a fight with dancing | 1:33
He found mermaids unattractive | 2:30
He started the zombie apocalypse | 3:34
His bones bounced between countries | 5:08
He dreamed of conquering Jerusalem | 6:24
No one really knows who he was | 7:42
His stolen letters | 8:46

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Weathermen Who Lost It On Live TV Sun, 01 Sep 2019 17:00:13 +0000

Being a weatherman is not an easy job. If your forecast ends up being wrong, everyone will blame you, and even if you get the forecast right, people will still complain if it’s bad weather. In addition, you have to do the exact same thing on live TV day after day and still find a way to make it interesting and fresh for your audience. Taking all of that into consideration, it’s a bit understandable that a meteorologist might get to a point where they lose control, even while being filmed. Let’s take a look at some weathermen who lost it on live TV.

#Bloopers #News #Weathermen

FOX 45’s Jamie Simpson | 0:00
CNN’s Chad Myers | 1:11
Global News’ Kristi Gordon | 1:50
Michigan’s Garry Frank | 2:27
WITI-TV ‘s Angelica Duria | 3:12
Australia’s Steve Jacobs | 3:43
Fox 2’s Derek Kevra | 4:18
The Weather Channel’s James Cantore | 5:12
The BBC’s Tomasz Schafernaker | 5:54

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