nia thomas, Author at Paranormal Activity Exploring The Unknown Thu, 28 Feb 2013 17:06:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Extreme weather 2 TORNADOES BENIDORM BAY in 10 minutes 28th Feb 2013 Thu, 28 Feb 2013 17:06:13 +0000 We have just had 2 Tornadoes brush past Benidorm & they were less than10 minutes apart Thalk about Tornado alley lolThe second was more powerful than the first, both touched down about 2 miles from the beaches, Thank God the stayed out or there would have been more mess than...

The post Extreme weather 2 TORNADOES BENIDORM BAY in 10 minutes 28th Feb 2013 appeared first on Paranormal Activity.

We have just had 2 Tornadoes brush past Benidorm & they were less than10 minutes apart Thalk about Tornado alley lolThe second was more powerful than the first, both touched down about 2 miles from the beaches, Thank God the stayed out or there would have been more mess than there was with the Water that came down from the mountains, If I am honest I always wanted to see this first hand…


The post Extreme weather 2 TORNADOES BENIDORM BAY in 10 minutes 28th Feb 2013 appeared first on Paranormal Activity.

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