Comments on: CERN Scientists Admitted Something Weird Is Happening After They Turned On The Large Hadron Collider Exploring The Unknown Mon, 03 Jul 2023 21:31:19 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Rash Mon, 03 Jul 2023 21:31:19 +0000 😂i]]> Read a bible 😂😂i

By: Elroorl666 Studio 2 Mon, 03 Jul 2023 14:12:51 +0000 The backrooms are opening

By: Sylvia Cecil Fri, 23 Jun 2023 15:52:56 +0000 Playing God: nevera good ideae

By: SpotterVideo Fri, 23 Jun 2023 15:37:48 +0000 String Theory was not a waste of time. Geometry is the key to Math and Physics.

What if we describe subatomic particles as spatial curvature, instead of trying to describe General Relativity as being mediated by particles?

Quantum Entangled Twisted Tubules: "A theory that you can't explain to a bartender is probably no damn good." Ernest Rutherford

The following is meant to be a generalized framework for an extension of Kaluza-Klein Theory. Does it agree with the “Twistor Theory” of Roger Penrose? During the early history of mankind, the twisting of fibers was used to produce thread, and this thread was used to produce fabrics. The twist of the thread is locked up within these fabrics. Is matter made up of twisted 3D-4D structures which store spatial curvature that we describe as “particles"? Are the twist cycles the "quanta" of Quantum Mechanics?

When we draw a sine wave on a blackboard, we are representing spatial curvature. Does a photon transfer spatial curvature from one location to another? Wrap a piece of wire around a pencil and it can produce a 3D coil of wire, much like a spring. When viewed from the side it can look like a two-dimensional sine wave. You could coil the wire with either a right-hand twist, or with a left-hand twist. Could Planck's Constant be proportional to the twist cycles. A photon with a higher frequency has more energy. ( E=hf, More spatial curvature as the frequency increases = more Energy ). What if gluons are actually made up of these twisted tubes which become entangled with other tubes to produce quarks. (In the same way twisted electrical extension cords can become entangled.) Therefore, the gluons are a part of the quarks. Quarks cannot exist without gluons, and vice-versa. Mesons are made up of two entangled tubes (Quarks/Gluons), while protons and neutrons would be made up of three entangled tubes. (Quarks/Gluons) The "Color Force" would be related to the XYZ coordinates (orientation) of entanglement. "Asymptotic Freedom", and "flux tubes" are logically based on this concept. The Dirac “belt trick” also reveals the concept of twist in the ½ spin of subatomic particles. If each twist cycle is proportional to h, we have identified the source of Quantum Mechanics as a consequence twist cycle geometry.

Modern physicists say the Strong Force is mediated by a constant exchange of Mesons. The diagrams produced by some modern physicists actually represent the Strong Force like a spring connecting the two quarks. Asymptotic Freedom acts like real springs. Their drawing is actually more correct than their theory and matches perfectly to what I am saying in this model. You cannot separate the Gluons from the Quarks because they are a part of the same thing. The Quarks are the places where the Gluons are entangled with each other.

Neutrinos would be made up of a twisted torus (like a twisted donut) within this model. Gravity is a result of a very small curvature imbalance within atoms. (This is why the force of gravity is so small.) Instead of attempting to explain matter as "particles", this concept attempts to explain matter more in the manner of our current understanding of the space-time curvature of gravity. If an electron has qualities of both a particle and a wave, it cannot be either one. It must be something else. Therefore, a "particle" is actually a structure which stores spatial curvature. Can an electron-positron pair (which are made up of opposite directions of twist) annihilate each other by unwinding into each other producing Gamma Ray photons?

Does an electron travel through space like a threaded nut traveling down a threaded rod, with each twist cycle proportional to Planck’s Constant? Does it wind up on one end, while unwinding on the other end? Is this related to the Higgs field? Does this help explain the strange ½ spin of many subatomic particles? Does the 720 degree rotation of a 1/2 spin particle require at least one extra dimension?

Alpha decay occurs when the two protons and two neutrons (which are bound together by entangled tubes), become un-entangled from the rest of the nucleons

. Beta decay occurs when the tube of a down quark/gluon in a neutron becomes overtwisted and breaks producing a twisted torus (neutrino) and an up quark, and the ejected electron. The phenomenon of Supercoiling involving twist and writhe cycles may reveal how overtwisted quarks can produce these new particles. The conversion of twists into writhes, and vice-versa, is an interesting process.

Gamma photons are produced when a tube unwinds producing electromagnetic waves.


Within this model a black hole could represent a quantum of gravity, because it is one cycle of spatial gravitational curvature. Therefore, instead of a graviton being a subatomic particle it could be considered to be a black hole. The overall gravitational attraction would be caused by a very tiny curvature imbalance within atoms. We know there is an unequal distribution of electrical charge within each atom because the positive charge is concentrated within the nucleus, even though the overall electrical charge of the atom is balanced by equal positive and negative charge.


In this model Alpha equals the compactification ratio within the twistor cone. 1/137

1= Hypertubule diameter at 4D interface

137= Cone’s larger end diameter at 3D interface where the photons are absorbed or emitted.

The 4D twisted Hypertubule gets longer or shorter as twisting or untwisting occurs. (720 degrees per twist cycle.)


How many neutrinos are left over from the Big Bang? They have a small mass, but they could be very large in number. Could this help explain Dark Matter?

By: chemmii Fri, 23 Jun 2023 01:28:36 +0000 The only thing man is excellent at, is phucking up everything that without him, him would run, as it always has, very smoothly, naturally, correctly..!!!

By: chemmii Fri, 23 Jun 2023 01:24:07 +0000 Unless science can find out and answer the very heart of why anything exist, ( which they will never do.!)… Every thing else is pure bullschitt.! The quintessential question of " Where did " Matter" itself come from, is unknowable..!!!!
With science, that, which already exist, is what is used to ponder, hypothesize, and come up with unprovable, "yet" accepted scientific theories… This should not be so..!!! Until or (if) when, science can start with nothing ( the absence of any substance that can be seen, felt, or recognised, by our extremely limited sensory perceptions or with any devices which enhance those limitations.), the time, money, and loss of things we should be finding out about that can help mankind and this planet not only survive, but improve, goes unsearched to the extent that it could have been if the billions or trillions of dollars we have spent on trying to find out about things that do nothing to help us, is the epitome of man's never ending stupidity.! We, still can't cure cancer, or even the common cold, yet vast skies of money and time on things we will never find answers, that in the long run…don't mean schitt..!!!!

By: tennie stuart Thu, 22 Jun 2023 23:54:48 +0000 scientistarelikespoilchilbren

By: Gary Humphrey Thu, 22 Jun 2023 23:14:59 +0000 What right do they have to destroy our earth for this stupid study of science if they keep messing around they wil start( m over y and back to m flat )and were all out in space because of there stupid science experiments Then say oh it's not our fault you have no business noing how things were created its God's earth not yours . WERE HERE FOR SHORT TIME BUT NOT HERE TO WONDER WHY GOING BACKWARDS MEANS I AM GOING FASTER FOREWORDS GO TO YOUR OWN PLANET LEAVE EARTH ALONE

By: Carmen Ortiz Thu, 22 Jun 2023 15:56:57 +0000 What again? Way back, it kind of went bunkers, then I believe after about a year later, it went bunkers again and now years later they are back at it? How many weird things have to happen before they decide they went over their own heads? I remember the old festivities before the first plop. LOL If it were me, I would forget about "delving into undiscovered depths of science" before the planet goes plop. Although, I guess if it does it will not matter since we will probably plop also. LOL Humans, you got to love them. (Or not.)

By: madhu pk Thu, 22 Jun 2023 15:12:26 +0000 As per some INDIANMITOLOGY world will end by human being only
