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Climate change – Averting catastrophe | DW Documentary

In the last 30 years, CO2 emissions have increased by 60 percent worldwide. The most pressing problem facing our civilization is global warming. What solutions could there be? This documentary accompanies activists in their efforts to combat climate change.

According to scientists, if by the year 2100 the global temperature has risen more than 1.5 degrees Celsius on levels recorded in the year 1850, the consequences could be devastating for people and the environment. But will we manage to achieve this ambitious goal? Around the world, politicians, companies, laboratories and universities are struggling to find solutions.

The film team visits climate rescuers in Sudan, Indonesia and Europe. Their inventive spirit cools buildings, connects countries with green electricity lines or sucks carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere. Their work helps determine the living conditions of generations to come.

Every time the women of Shagra plant an acacia seedling in the sand of Darfur, it is an occasion of great joy in the Sudanese village. The tree will drive its roots 100 meters into the ground and be better able to withstand the droughts in the Sahel than most other plants. It will secrete gum sap when women scratch the bark after a few years. The sale of gum arabic will alleviate poverty in the village.

65,000 acacias are already growing in Darfur: a blessing for the bitterly poor region, as well as a carbon dioxide reservoir that can help limit global warming.

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Laurențiu Lupu October 3, 2023 at 8:22 pm

Toți activiști schimbări climatice sunt sponsorizați de marile corporații, deci ei dețin toate pârghiile pentru a spune oamenilor că ești o catastrofă.
Toate astea pentru cea mai mare schemă de a fura bani publici și a săraci populația.
De ce nu spun că acum 5000 de ani temperatura planetei a fost în medie cu 5° celsius mai mare decât mediile actuale.
Cine polua acum 5000 de ani, ce tehnicii și tehnici au folosit acum 5000 de ani???????
Ce ar fi să faceți același lucru ca acum 5000 de ani, ca să nu mai văd atâția paraziții care ne mint și ne fură bani.
Cea mai mare poluare o faceți voi care promovați încălzirea globală, se pare că sunteți lipsiți de scrupule dar vreau să vă spun că istoria nu minte și ve-ți apărea în paginile negre ale istoriei.

Dewey Andrews October 3, 2023 at 10:13 pm

We need to go with hydrogen cars, engiines , Germany is way ahead of us with t3sting and acceptable production .now,

john knowing October 4, 2023 at 1:56 am

First off anybody that thinks that we go carbon neutral is not paying attention and by doing so will change things, not we will still heat up the planet. What does carbon neutral really even mean? Until we have battery storage that can store megawatts and tear wants of energy for when the wind doesn’t blow, sun doesn’t shine we will continue to burn fossil fuel period. There’s a reason we don’t see documentaries about battery storage of megawatts and Terra watts energy because it does not exist for many many decades because of the expense, and climate impacts to manufacture those batteries is horrendous. We will never stop warming up the planet when you look at the facts. The highest concentration of Co2 is at ground sea level. Moisture around the Co2. is what heats up like water in a house a radiator. The water in your hot water heat comes from the burner. The ground level Co. two is being heated up by global asphalt, roofs, driveways, parking lots, Airport runways, seaports etc. On a sunny 90° sunny day asphalt can reach up to 140°in temperature. If we put the 40,000,000 miles of roads on the planet in a straight line, that would be enough to go on the planet 1,600 times. We have one billion buildings with roofs doing the same thing reaching temperatures up to 140°. It’s estimated by 2050 will need 1.6 billion new buildings because of world population increase and now we will have 2.6 billion buildings covering the earth’s surface. More than doubling the capacity to be heat the moisture around the carbon at ground level. When the initial rain comes down on all the asphalt roofs roads etc. The same instant first shot of hot water heating up your create creeks, rivers, and ocean coastline raising the temperature of the ocean coastline water temperature. Next we have Jet engine’s exhaust 1300°, 125,000 flights a day. The daily world’s cubic feet of jet exhaust at 1 foot deep would cover 22 states in the U.S. heating up the atmosphere. Next we have on average per year U.S. Forest fires releases more Co2. than all U.S. 276,000,000 vehicles driving in United States for a solid year. Recently Canada wild fire just released just about the same amount of Co. two’s than 4.1 billion cars on the planet driving for a solid year. Which is close to how many vehicles are on the planet. It takes 20 to 200 years just to get rid of 63% of carbon in the atmosphere and the rest of the carbon may take up to 200,000,000 year. So where’s all the documentaries giving us the facts we needed no? Climate change fear mongering changes political elections, in turn is funding back to the fear mongering scientists so they can keep their jobs get a paycheck. The residues are funding for documentaries about climate and look and all the books written on the subject making money profiteering. I did my own homework on global warming gathering physical measurements such as temperatures of manmade objects heating up the moisture which in turn is more moisture to heat up again. This climate change summit has become so convoluted all these crazy ideas China brainwashed and indoctrinated the common man that we don’t look at the basic science of physics and facts. Simply put climate change can be explained it with two words. Manmade will forever continue covering the planet with more manmade BTUs structures.

Maxx Well Being October 4, 2023 at 11:14 am

There is no climate catastrophe. CO2 is not a pollutant. They are all lying in order to control us. They always say to plant trees, plant trees, plant trees… they take the CO2 out of the atmosphere.
How much CO2 does each tree absorb?
If you Google it, that number is 48lbs of CO2 per tree, per year, but some climate catastrophe zealots say only 29lbs per tree are all that are effective.

Let’s use their low numbers.

There are an estimated 3.4 Trillion trees on the planet. Google it.

** 29lbs x 3.4 Trillion = 98 Trillion lbs / 2000lbs (1 ton) = 49 Billion Tons of CO2 absorption per year from trees alone.

How much CO2 do humans emit from all sources.
According to Google, humans emit 37 Billion Tons of CO2 per year from all sources.

You do the math. It’s all a hoax. Net Zero is nonsense.
What does Net Zero mean?
What’s the goal?
How low do they want the emissions?
If we emit 37 Billion Tons of CO2 and the trees alone absorb 48 Billion Tons…
we’re already past Net Zero.
We’re in the negative. That’s just the trees, don’t forget everything else that absorbs C02…Don’t fall for this nonsense.
It’s all about power, money and control. 

Maxx Well Being October 4, 2023 at 11:20 am

Permafrost can range from 3 ft to 321 feet. Permafrost covers approximately 8.8 million square miles. This is fear porn. Don’t fall for this “Climate Change” nonsense.

Bruce Farnham October 4, 2023 at 4:18 pm

Man is ruining the world badly

racer x October 5, 2023 at 8:51 am

a fairytale for suckers. junk science. why would you trust anything the UN says?!

Monkeys with a Passport | Travel Channel October 5, 2023 at 11:51 am

Poor quality! I love how activists want to state that Co2 has increased by 40-60-% since 1950. Are you aware the percentage of Co2 in our atmosphere is only 0.04%. A very small fraction of 1% of the gas in our atmosphere is co2. Feel manipulated yet! It's also true since 1950, Co2 has increased from 0.03 to 0.04. How dramatic!. All the efforts and campaigning to reduce Co2 has a completely different agenda. Do your own research, and don't fall prey to others pushing their own agendas on you.

the vindictive October 5, 2023 at 1:23 pm

Averting disaster? We are already head deep in quicksand.

JJ sassey October 5, 2023 at 2:44 pm

I got married in 1975 Oct 25th it was a hot sunny day glorious the same as Oct in 2023 it was maybe a little hotter in the north of England .The glaziers are melting they always have since the Ice Age it is what ice does it Melts. The weather is all over the place that is because Governments like China / America are using chemical from planes leaving chem trails to disrupt weather patters its a bio war against each other to disrupt countries and sometimes they drift in the atmosphere over countries that they were not intended for. The reason Climate Change was voice is it raises taxes against companies i.e wrapping. waste. petrol anything that Governments can raise money on. WAKE UP PEOPLE get real stop being sheep led by the nose and following world Government misinformation indoctrination.

Veggieboy Ultimate October 5, 2023 at 4:11 pm

One of the best and most informative documentaries I have ever seen. Thank you.

Teaja October 5, 2023 at 7:44 pm

WHAT ABOUT CHINA? CHINA IS CURRENTLY #1 POLLUTOR. its irrelevant that per person they are lower, planet does not care. I applaud europeans for all the effort, but its a waste of time unless countries like china and other developing economies act as well !

Maxime Bergeron Falardeau October 5, 2023 at 8:54 pm


Climate change is real. What is driving climate change is human overpopulation of the Earth. The carying capacity of the earth is below 1 billion. We are over 9 billion. Do the maths. We need to stop births in all countries of the Earth. Let the planet recover and then after a period (7 years cycles) allow some births again but followed by other rigourous births stop cycles. Let the planet breath again. All life eventualy dies also humans and through the rebirths cycles it all comes back to life again. If we create some strict regulation and periods of time for the future where no birth (zero) are allowed, this is the only humane way of lowering our population number. Each year 100 000 000 more babies are added to this world. This is insane. The carying capacity of our beloved planet have been calculated by some expert to be at 529 million. Do the maths. We would need a new planet every 5 years or so.


Speak about it. What ever we do if we don't lower our numbers everything is gonna get worse and worse and worse then it already is.

It's already catastrophic!

Daffydd Duck October 5, 2023 at 10:55 pm

Climate change , global warming was here 50 years ago , why are the current whingers so wrong

Roah October 6, 2023 at 3:56 am

Who cares about climbers. There are so many people affected by floodings and other calamities and yet you start with climbers.

Gustaf TheOne October 6, 2023 at 8:01 am

OMG!! We’ve been dealing with climate change alarmism for last 50+ years.
NONE of their predictions have panned out, but EVERY STINKNG time, our taxes go up.
FFS, we NEED to stop them!!

dave koster October 6, 2023 at 1:19 pm

Promo videos for climate. Enough is enough 👍. This is also a game launched from america they invested heavy in Climate, energy and gasoline on forehand and afterwards this happens. This is no coincidence. Not one country takes real measurements against it. Its just the money game. Give people guilt feelings just to justify the prices. Even without true evidents. I wonder sometimes if this is a setup just like the massive immigration to find cheaper employees to get the rich richer. There is a white house behind the white house who is really good at planning truly influancing ultra rich people. No matter what happens to the countries as long the money grows.

Patrick Cunningham October 6, 2023 at 6:00 pm

The Gen- z generation is the most uneducated and gullible generation. They are easily duped into believing in the climate change agenda fraud . Judith Curry is a respected scientist who does a great job debunking climate change alarmism

Rimbus Jift October 6, 2023 at 6:28 pm

Wonderful example of halfwit using Google.

禎子佐々木 October 7, 2023 at 2:36 am

Very very bad Doku, it is full of political Lies
1. That Germany is importing energy , is far far far from beeing climate friendly and not green energy ,
it get shipped or transported with a lot lot lot of Emissions or Pipelines are build with a lot lot of Emisdsions

2. Germany is still lying about, In and Export Emissions and that they replaced a lot of Emissions into other countries,
further more and not enough they even violate and mock about these own emissions other countries
This does also say where Germany is still lying about they did increase the Emissions very intense ,
it just not in Germany, they increase it world wide in other countries and by an increasing in and export
Yes germany does build solar and wind a lot, but they increase their emissions very intense until today and did not get rid of any Emissions at all,
due to Emissions in other countries and due to In and export and they try to greenwashing everything they import and export with high Emissions,
because the economical transport is still running on a lot of fossil fuels and also germany companies in other countries.

3. The Alps is not a big deal due to climate change, there are much more deadly consequences with climate change like the end of drinking water world wide due acidification, lost of oxygen in the atmosphere, food starts to extinct, rising conflicts and migration, dying world economy and the mass extinction event that does increase very fast.
The Alps are you serious ? In a global mass extinction event , no one cares for the Alps at all.

4. Germany like every other country or mostly every other country is also denying the scientific fact , that there is no carbon budget anymore since about 2014,
where the IPCC said very clear , we have no carbon budget anymore from now on we have to not only reach Zero Emissions, we have also to get CO2 out of the Atmosphere because we emit CO2 far over the Emission budget which we do not have.
And Germany did increase their Emissions very hard , instead of get it to Zero in the year 2014 what is now 10 years ago, where germany does still have massive Emissions until today and also been economical planed for at least the next 50 years, due to fossil contracts and In and Exports.

Greg Sly October 7, 2023 at 3:49 pm

……… oops

CO2 levels were extremely elevated during the age of the dinosaurs (which ended 65 million years ago), perhaps at some 2,000 to 4,000 ppm. Tremendous CO2 emissions, from incessant and extreme volcanism, heated Earth and allowed dinosaurs to roam a sultry Antarctic.Jun 10, 2021

Scientists reveal the history of Earth's CO2 since the dinosaurs …

G B Davies October 7, 2023 at 4:07 pm

Apart from wars I've found sea level rise the most frightening thing. But I'm sure the cure for that is to let the sea into all countries around the world like they did with the canals but deeper and wider in which you would create mountains that would store all the water. And I learned that living in beautiful valleys is the cure of things is in the bible from the beginning and God said he prepared Israel as a pattern like Eden. Jesus was baptized in mountain water from mount Hermon into the Jordan. The best for drinking and cleaning. Even the earth came out of water. Please spend time reading these scriptures Ge 1:2,9-13; Ex 3:8; 23:20; De 8:7,9; 11:11,12; Ps 46:1,2; 65:1,9-13; 96:12; 104:9-16; Job 38:8-11; Ec 1:7; Mt 6:9,10;,33; Joh 3:3,5; 13:15; All the locks in the canals in which this country is covered are basically waterfalls, gives us a taste how beautiful things could be. And if I'm right they built the massive canal system in 30&50 years by hand and the pyramids in moving mountains makes this all seem possible! But it looks like it would be impossible to shape the land if we allow it to get flooded. But i hope tthis info gets to who can make a difference.

Matt Anderson October 7, 2023 at 5:13 pm

It wasn't too late to do something 30 years ago, but thanks to disinformation coming from America nothing was done and it's too late now, we have already hit 1.5 degrees warming. 6 degrees and we are all done

Gerry G October 8, 2023 at 1:46 am

Nothing but a power grab, people. Wake up

Michael Hessey October 8, 2023 at 8:35 am

I am convinced activity from outer space is causing our climate problems. It’s not what we are doing. Aliens ??? Maybe!

yelwing October 8, 2023 at 4:17 pm

Blah blah blah. Every prediction has failed. Still got our islands. Still got our polar bears. Still have glacier National park. Still have Manhattan. All were predicted to be gone by now.
1970s ice age will freeze us all!’ 1980s acid rain will burn our crops! 1990s O zone hole will burn us to death! 2000s global warming will lift sea levels and 1000 islands will be gone by 2018!

promalko7 October 8, 2023 at 6:33 pm

Claus ordered this movie?

LifeRx October 8, 2023 at 11:46 pm

Man kind invests more into weapons of war then climate change and governments front "green initiative" costs to it's citizens. It's a formula that won't pan out well for the future.

Shadow Banned October 9, 2023 at 2:06 am

It's called weather. 🤣🤣🤣

aditya kumar October 9, 2023 at 10:36 am

Global warming is over ….. Its GLOBAL BOILING ,,!!!!

Am Zill October 9, 2023 at 4:00 pm

Have you factored in the effects of the current solar cycle, the fact that the poles are moving and that the moon is moving away from the earth? These also have profound effects on climate that we have no control over. Also how much carbon is emitted making these documentaries? Climate change is a serious threat however I have yet to see one intelligent idea to offset it from any of the people screaming about it ….

Ronnie Pace October 9, 2023 at 5:33 pm

Climate change is an All White boutique club – brought about to prevent ordinary folk from climbing up the ladder – it’s a shame these elites think that anyone from a public school can be fooled so easily

Raven Ken October 9, 2023 at 11:14 pm

Really is too bad that you keep referring to 2100 like we have some type of chance of reaching that as a civilization but less as a species.

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