Comments on: Climate Crisis: extreme weather ‘new normal’ say experts Exploring The Unknown Mon, 07 Aug 2023 13:21:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Larry Bedouin Mon, 07 Aug 2023 13:21:07 +0000 Professional liar!

By: CorpFiction Wed, 19 Jul 2023 22:54:57 +0000 You are controlling the f n weather you caulk suckers

By: Old Scientist Sun, 30 Apr 2023 13:08:13 +0000 Yes please. Climate change saved 555,103 lives in England and Wales between 2001 and 2020 (ONS, 2022).

By: Rossan Bhujel Sat, 15 Apr 2023 19:27:39 +0000 curse works really. I knew now

By: Va jona Mon, 03 Apr 2023 19:55:19 +0000 Imagine the low IQ required to believe this fear mongering trash

By: King Adams Tue, 28 Feb 2023 00:04:35 +0000 Extra interesting today. Thank to Sam Deymon for just the news everyday. I learn more in 10-15 minutes with you than hours upon hours of main stream media.

By: Ethan. Mon, 27 Feb 2023 23:58:28 +0000 Mr Sam Deymon taught me how to invest in bitcoin, how to trade daily, when to trade and the best asset to trade.

By: Ka Ki Vincent Mon, 27 Feb 2023 23:57:17 +0000 I first found out about forex trading a week ago. Right now, since making a trading account about 4 days ago, i'm sitting on a 19,650 euro profit in 4 days with Deymon. This guy is just amazing.

By: Grey Day Thu, 23 Feb 2023 18:47:48 +0000 Climate failure leads to crop failure. Crop failure leads to the die off of millions and millions of farm animals all over the world.

By: Old Scientist Sun, 19 Feb 2023 15:24:28 +0000 This is cherry-picking weather events. That's not climate. This is climate: Globally the ACE index (accumulated cyclone energy) 1980-2021 shows no increasing trend. Global Hurricane Landfalls 1970-2021 (updated from Weinkle et al, 2012) shows no trend. Satellite data since 1980 shows a slight downward global trend for total hurricaine numbers with 2021 being a record low year. The IPCC reports in AR6, chapter 11, "The total global frequency of TC [tropical cyclone] formation will decrease or remain unchanged with increasing global warming (medium confidence)." Multidecadal variability in Atlantic hurricaines is most probably related to the AMO (Vecchi et al, 2021). NOAA data 1851-2021 shows no trend in number of hurricaine landfalls with the record high being 1886. What the data from NOAA SPC shows about tornados: EF1-EF5 (1954-2022) no trend; EF3-EF5 (most destructive) (1954-2022) 50% decline. No EF5s in US since 2013 (a record absence).

The Global Land Precipitation Anomaly from AR5 will disappoint with deviations from the average increasing by 0.2% per decade, but if you look at the actual data, it's just very variable over the decades.

Drought appears to be decreasing (Watts et al, 2018) measured by SPI 1901-2017.

Deaths from natural disasters are about 0.6% of what they were a century ago.

What else? Oh, deserts like the Sahara have shrunk considerably and the Earth has greened by 15% or more in a human lifetime (NASA).

On extinction the rate is very low: 900 known lost species for 2.1 million known species in 500 years. At that frequency it will take nearly 190,000 years to reach 15% extinction i.e. a mass extinction.

There is no climate crisis.
