Cloaked Craft Over Bridgewater, Massachusetts 5-13-2022, UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: 5-15-2022
Location of sighting: Bridgewater, Massachusetts, USA

Source: email report

Check this out. A winged craft was seen in the sky over Bridgewater last week. The craft resembles the a person with open arms…similar to the Jesus statues seen worldwide. The trial behind it indicates that the craft is losing some of its cloud cover that it made, so it decided to fully cloak and disappeared. Absolutely 100% proof that UFOs hide in clouds in order to fly low and watch the public first hand. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

Report states: 

I’m a sky watcher. This appeared on a clear evening. I don’t know how best to describe it but it seemed stationary, then seemed to move very slowly. No sound. I think I watched for a good 3 minutes. It seemed to have a trail which stayed stationary as well. Then it all just vanished. It could be a cloud, but I just don’t know.


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