Comments on: Deadly Disasters Full Episode | Blizzards Exploring The Unknown Sun, 03 Jul 2022 20:55:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Betsy Nelsen Sun, 03 Jul 2022 20:55:17 +0000 2015 east coast storm is called a Nor'easter. Think of a winter hurricane – pretty normal for winters here and usually rough on the coast lines. i survived both snowmageddon and snowpocalypse (first was feb storms of '10, the 2nd was the december storms of 09'). Worst for my neck of the woods was 96' – 33 (83 cms) inches if not more in 48 hrs. Horrible experience…missed so much school that winter.

By: pirate shack Sun, 03 Jul 2022 01:08:47 +0000 US National Weather Service definitions are in Metric measurements !? Seriously !!!????

By: Paula Powell Fri, 01 Jul 2022 20:48:35 +0000 I thought it was end of October and into November???

By: BRUH biqw Tue, 28 Jun 2022 03:33:33 +0000 Ah yes the Canadian prairies where we call Blizzards your average Wednesday

By: Becky Shock Sun, 26 Jun 2022 13:03:27 +0000 It's June 26 today, and 72`, I don't have AC on, and I'm sitting here watching this shivering!!!! I'm cold.

By: Flip and The Blue Mule Sat, 25 Jun 2022 00:27:57 +0000 AMERICA…. WE DON'T DO km and cm s …. ENGLISH…. HAHA
GREAT VLOG BROTHER… justva lot of Matmatics for we Americans
F*, Inches ,and Miles

By: MadGary Fri, 24 Jun 2022 02:18:30 +0000 The international space station my ass. And that puke in the picture? The world is a sham

By: Grithor86 Thu, 23 Jun 2022 08:28:50 +0000 You can't talk about blizzards without mentioning Canadian cities. Why focus on the States when Canada gets it worse most of the time. They seem to skip over the fact that most of these storms hit Canada first then move on to the States. And when the wind goes over the Rocky Mountains, it's called a Chinook, which have reached 160km/hr before.
I had to drive to work at night during a blizzard. Not fun. Started as rain, which then turned to snow. If you didn't know, that creates black ice. Never had I been so glad to have AWD. I swear my vehicle was at an angle more then it was straight for the entire trip to work. Then the snow started. Heavy and wet. Winds reached 110km/hr, and snow was falling at a rate of over 2cm/hr. It lasted for four days. On the fourth day though, every highway in my area was closed. So like anyone with common sense, I didn't go it. If a highway is closed, don't drive on it. By the end of the storm we had drifts 85cm high. I couldn't see the road in front of me, so I drove by looking out one of my side windows, driving about 30km/hr. (That's like driving in a school zone all the way to and from work). By the time I saw a vehicle in the ditch I had so little traction I couldn't even slow down. Pump the brakes and slide right by. It was white knuckle driving the entire way.

By: TheBlondeOne Thu, 23 Jun 2022 06:39:52 +0000 you can tell this is not a US made doc bc all the scenes are in the northeast cities not the upper midwest or mountains… I was here in Texas during our recent storm and noone had FWD so we couldnt get anywhere

By: Prairie Rider Thu, 23 Jun 2022 04:08:36 +0000 Btw the prairies in Canada, I’ve seen snow every month of the year,not in the mountains
