Dr. David Spergel and his UFO paper written prior to becoming NASA’s UAP Study Chairperson


David Spergel was selected to chair NASA’s independent study on unidentified aerial phenomena. He is the president of the Simons Foundation where he was the founding director of its Flatiron Institute for Computational Astrophysics. His interests range from the search for planets and nearby stars to the shape of the universe. He has measured the age, shape and composition of the universe and played a key role in establishing the standard model of cosmology. A MacArthur “Genius” Fellow, Spergel has been cited in publications more than 100,000 times.

In December of 2021, The Black Vault profiled a paper by Dr. Spergel that came up in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request. This paper appears to have never circulated publicly before.

You can read Dr. Spergel’s paper below, then visit the NASA UAP / UFO Related Internal Communications page for more FOIA finds.

Document Archive

Thoughts on UFOs by Dr. David Spergel [4 Pages, 0.7MB]



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