Elon Musk Tweet That UFO Are 100% Real! Sept 2021, UFO Sighting News.



Date of Tweet: Sept 14, 2021

Elon musk, creator and CEO of SpaceX has boldly announced on Twitter this week that, “I’m not saying there are UFOs…but there are UFOs!” Elon Musk is Americas Golden Child who is given free ride informations, data, designs and schematics of the most top secret alien tech that DARPA has to offer and leaks it slowly into the public domain. This time he leaked something different…something the US government doesn’t want to admit or make a big deal about…that UFO do exist. Elon Musk has the highest tech cameras attached to every satellite, orbiter and rocket he sends into space…not to mention he sent a freaking Tesla Roadster in orbit around our sun with half a dozen live feed cameras on it. This means Elon has seen and recorded dozens of close up raw footage of UFOs over the years. Raw footage that he has not yet admitted to owning and not yet released, but is 100% in possession of. Musk being the rebel he is…may see the day when he says enough is enough and he may release some of that raw footage for the world to see. Thats how the world changes, from rebels who do things differently from all the rest. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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