Strange Weather

extreme weather around the world from 4 to 5 May 2021

extreme weather around the world from 4 to 5 May 2021

00:00 Mammatus clouds over the Netherlands
00:06 strange color cloud Colombia
00:21 Lightning strikes south of Mecca
00:50 Severe floods hit Algeria, Beni Slimane
8:25 flooding in Hargeisa, Somalia
09:28 Rain and floods hit south africa
11:32 Rain and floods hit iran
12:14 brazil heavy rain

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AbbaYHVHReigns7 ILoveYeshua May 6, 2021 at 2:49 pm

AMEN! theOnlyOneTrueGOD ALMIGHTY Father GodYHVH Elohim is Still In Absolute Complete CONTROL of Everything Everywhere. Let GodYHVH Elohim's WILL Continue to Be Done ALWAYS Daily Alleluia! Yeshua HaMashiach Christ Emmanuel is LORD, is the Real SAVIOUR & is TheOnlyOneTrueSON of ALMIGHTY Father GodYHVH Elohim, Maranatha!

LTF Melanie May 7, 2021 at 11:26 am

First one can not be the Netherlands, because we don't have such mountains….I wish

shiva koliar May 7, 2021 at 11:43 am

How To Live In Harmony With Nature And Reduce Pollution


1. Many Production Companies Which We Do Not Need Actually For Human Beings Has To Be Stopped


We manufacture so many products and it is creating pollution. So if we minimise our products, pollution would be less.

We produce so many things which we do not need, like cold drinks, leather products, potato wafers, chips, fruit juices, chocolates, biscuits, pickles, ice creams, etc.

Cold drinks, fruit juices, chocolates, biscuits, pickles, ice creams, etc. should be cooked at home only. If we stopped producing this things which are not required for humans, so much pollution could be reduced.

If we colour the clothes pollution occurs. So if we don't colour our clothes, the pollution resulting from colouring the clothes can be stopped. Let everything remain in white natural colour.


2. We Should Cook Foods In Its Natural Form


We can cook rice and wheat in our homes and eat it. Rice and Wheat is produced in farms. Then it is packed and transported to big warehouses, then wholesalers buy from them and supply to retail shops.

But if a manufacturing company makes bread from rice and wheat, then to make bread a manufacturing company has to be set up, machines and working staffs are needed. When a company is built many other things are also needed. Then at last a plastic pack is required to pack the breads.

So if we start cooking eatable things in its natural form then we do not need many companies like bread manufacturing company, tomato ketchup, noodles, fruit jam, pizza, burger, etc., the things required for the company and the plastic pack, paper box pack and glass bottles. If done like this, so many companies will not be required and hence less pollution for the world.

Also we could save our money like this. If you buy a packet of bread, it would cost you more money than if you cook wheat and rice in home.

Previously before industrial revolution, we didn't have technology, but our foods were rich with nutrients. Now we have technology,  but our foods are not rich with nutrients.

If this is done, then many jobs would be lost. For that many peoples should do farming and they should be given loans if they do not have enough money to start farming on their own.

Food, Medicines, Surgeries and Education's should be made free to the world till the world settles down with farming. After that food, medicines, surgeries and education's should be stopped free to the world.

Many people should study botany subject so that they have knowledge of plants and they should do farming.

Is their any another solution, that humans won't lose jobs and also pollution would decrease. Humans have to take this step certainly instead of going on polluting the earth, making wildlife extinct and also mass extinctions of humans in future.


3. Electricity Pollution


We create electricity from many types of sources like coal, water, etc., but it creates pollution. If electricity created from windmill and solar energy then no pollution occurs in the creation process. But still to manufacture windmill and solar machines pollution would occur.

As I previously said that if we shut down many manufacturing companies which are producing things which are not needed for humans, then the world would not require so much electricity. If less electricity required, then less pollution generated.


4. Could We Stop Drinking Cow's and Buffalo's Milk


Whatever vitamins and nutrients we get from milk, if we can get it from other eatable things, then we can stop drinking cow's and buffalo's milk. As milk has to be packed in glass bottles and plastic packs and then transported to places. All of this can be stopped.

For infants whose mother's have died or mother's who cannot breast feed their infants, only for them cow's and buffalo's milk should be given. We use milk in tea and coffee. Instead of milk we must use lime with tea and coffee or just plain tea and coffee. A lime should be cut into a few pieces and cooked with tea and coffee or something else can be used instead of lime.


5. How Much Should Be The World's Population

Every place should have a single house. No buildings, everything ground floor. If we do this and the whole lands of our planet earth would be occupied one day with homes, farms, forests, schools, hospitals, etc., then we would come to know how much our planet earth can have maximum population.
Once the population is determined, then we have to maintain that population. For example if our earth can have a population of 10 billion peoples, then when the population reaches 10 billion, then everyone should have only one child till the population reaches 9 billion peoples. As if we have only one child then the population decreases. When population is 9 billion peoples, then everyone should have 2 children's till the population reaches 10 billion peoples. After that again we should have only one child. In this way population can be maintained.

Christy May 8, 2021 at 11:02 pm


Christy May 8, 2021 at 11:02 pm


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