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Extreme Weather Events – The New Normal? | Climate Change | ENDEVR Documentary

Extreme Weather Events – The New Normal? | Extreme Realities | Climate Change | ENDEVR Documentary

Watch ‘How Oil Companies Hid the Truth About Climate Change’ here:

Featuring narrator Matt Damon, “Extreme Realities” investigates one of the most critical issues of our time: the link between severe weather events, climate change, and threats to our national security. Emmy-award winning filmmakers Marilyn and Hal Weiner consult with experts to find out what is happening to our weather. Just pick up any newspaper or watch any television news report and it becomes evident that unprecedented extreme weather events such as severe drought and heat waves, more intense hurricanes, increased tornado and wildfire activity, and crippling blizzards are leaving a trail of death and destruction throughout the world. In the wake of these disasters, we ask ourselves this fundamental question… Are these merely weather events that happen once in a hundred years – or are they early warning signals of a new reality – a new normal – a tipping point pushing our planet towards an environmental cliff?
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A Formoso May 3, 2023 at 1:44 am

Climate change is a fairy thing … Trump LOL

Kay Miller May 7, 2023 at 1:21 pm

It's call climate engineering. the tankers u see flying spraying none stop.

Butch Fajardo May 7, 2023 at 1:59 pm

We need to understand that the rich and powerful in this planet does not care if this planet is destroyed and if we all die! They already knew that this will happen way back in the 1800s!

Butch Fajardo May 7, 2023 at 2:05 pm

Humans must stop having kids at this time!

Angeline May 8, 2023 at 4:01 am

WOW 😞😑 makes a lot of sense. So sad 😞 if we can just unite and try. Just try to care try to just trust and reach out and communicate NO COUNTRY FORGOTTEN AGAIN. PEOPLE UNITE ✊☝️🫵

Angeline May 8, 2023 at 4:03 am


Angeline May 8, 2023 at 4:57 am


Angeline May 8, 2023 at 4:58 am


pce12345 May 8, 2023 at 9:38 am

We still face the risk of nuclear war

G. Gomez May 13, 2023 at 9:07 pm

It'll be too late to save the planet, no one cares or listens , they don't want to do anything about it no one wants to take the burden of saving the planet.

kody beattie May 17, 2023 at 1:50 pm

You can't build most of this stuff without oil, or technology that hasn't been invented yet, best not to bet our survival on fantasy.

K Z May 21, 2023 at 3:22 pm

Sounds legitimate doesn't it? I guess we can disregard things like wildfires, volcanoes, wars, toxic waste, microplastics, electromagnetic radiation, prescription drugs flushed down toilets, private jets, chem-trails, solar flares, asteroids, space radiation. The current term they decided to use now is climate change. It's brilliant. I mean who ever heard of the climate changing before. It's not as if Winter, Spring , Summer, and Fall were a regular thing. Don't be fooled. The people who are telling you they're saving the planet are the one's destroying it. They tell you the oceans are rising while they purchase beach front property. They tell you don't drive your car, while they fly in their private jets. They sell you products and ship them in cardboard boxes. How many trees are being cut down for that cardboard, Yet they tell you that you're the problem. The reality is that the ones with the money are the ones who cause the problems. They're the one's destroying the earth. The average person's function is limited to the options created by the rich. The greed of the rich is the true reason for the state of the world. Don't fall for the climate change scam. It's just the WEF's method of implementing the ESG score in order to gain control of the population, and control every aspect of people's lives. Climate has been changing since the beginning of time. There's nothing that will ever stop it from changing. Realize this. In the 60s they said oil will be gone in ten years. In the 70s an ice age is coming in ten years. In the 80s acid rain will destroy all the crops in ten years. In the 90s they said the ozone layer will be destroyed in ten years. In the 2000s the glaciers will melt in ten years. In the 2010s the east and west coast will be under water in ten years (how many of them own beach front property?). They use fear tactics to push through their agendas. That's how they're able to pass so many laws that we the people would never have voted for. It always costs us, in taxes, in regulations, in loss of rights, loss of freedom. They don't address real problems. More often than not, they create them to further their objectives. I suggest people start looking into HAARP. Look into congress. Look at the bills they push through. Look at the treaties being signed. I know it's hard to look at these things with all the distractions that are placed in front of us, but make an effort. The bad guys are far ahead, and we're just realizing that we're in this game. It's time to catch up, and sprint past them.

Gyana Ranjan June 14, 2023 at 4:11 pm

😭Go VEGAN 😭🙏🙏🙏

Mark O'Neill June 20, 2023 at 10:36 am

Unfortunately the future looks bleak in regards to seeing any significant change for the stability of climate in our world.
The fight for survival will be about food, not ideology not politics not religion whoever has the most food and the ability to to grow and replenish will be the most powerful,
climate and subsequent severe weather events will play a significant part in determining the future of our species.

Gypsy Lake July 11, 2023 at 4:00 am

There is enough toxic waste to last innumerable generations to come who must keep guarded watch over lest it escapes and causes more harm to the environment and to all forms of life. No one has mentioned Norway's floating nuclear power plant at the Artic, what happens if there is a nuclear accident in the Artic? What happens if the ice stops the ability of water to be drawn in to cool the reactor. What about releasing the warm water from the reactor pool into the Artic and speeds up the glacial melting. Does Norway have the right to risk the health and vitality of the Artic and the stability of the Artic environment with a nuclear power plant? All of life is dependant upon stable environments at both poles. It is no more right that the Russians are seeking to exploit the Artic for oil resources than it is for Norway to place a floating nuclear power plant in the name of energy and security. Neither of them have a right to hold all life on this planet as hostages to their maddening behavior. They should be loudly renounced and insist they desist from any further destructive and wanton behavior into this fragile and important environment, our Artic north which it's health and pristine environment is essential and vital to all life on the planet.

Huri Think before July 17, 2023 at 9:31 pm

It's even gotten worse since then.

Kaysen Love July 20, 2023 at 2:17 pm


sydwiz July 26, 2023 at 11:02 pm

some of the clips are louder than the voiceover!!

Gary Johnson July 28, 2023 at 2:26 pm

However hopeful this well produced documentary, it remains to be seen if people with ideological, cultural and political differences will put aside their differences to work together to adapt, seems like a pipe dream, as those currently in power think in terms of economic costs etc, preferring to build walls and militarize boarders etc, than helping those already fleeing from climate change and violence, but hope is quintessentially what make us human…

TM Martin, Esq. August 7, 2023 at 12:26 am

Will Elon and Tribe Musk make it off world? 🌎

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