Comments on: “Extreme Weather” – Why Are Cities Being Flooded All Around the World? Exploring The Unknown Wed, 24 Jan 2024 15:47:56 +0000 hourly 1 By: @chrishawkins162 Wed, 24 Jan 2024 15:47:56 +0000 ]]> Climate change high-end issues are not there. The guy on your show needs to open up and look at research. Because you're wrong….end of story.
They don't want to debate because they don't have enough facts…impossible when they aren't there 🤷‍♂️

By: @dianesherrill2993 Wed, 10 Jan 2024 15:15:02 +0000 She must be wealthy if she doesn't think things were better for us when Trump was president. She sure never watched one of his rallies if she thinks his "cult" only has 10,000 people in it.

By: @tompatrick9116 Wed, 10 Jan 2024 09:55:18 +0000 How can flooding be an agenda?

By: @reggiegorney6486 Sun, 31 Dec 2023 18:17:35 +0000 when will someone expose to the nation world that the deep state Gov is controlling the weather We have had this ability since vietnam Only much better at it now Program to Flood with extreme rain cause earthquakes you name it… just so they control the weather to make you believe in Climate change… There are 16 thousand scienctist who say we are not in a natural climate distruption ask WEF whos funding this operation…. Agenda 21 which is now Agenda 30 Trump got in the way Hillary was supposed to begin the end of us…. wake UPEveryone should follow Whitney Webb she has some interesting news about no election in 2024 cancel Marshall law on redacted… Wake UP people

By: @gregdumas6604 Tue, 26 Dec 2023 11:06:35 +0000 I like this channel but you guys are way off on this one. Biodiversity is declining and humans are impacting the earth's temperatures.

By: @michaeldavid468 Fri, 22 Dec 2023 09:35:22 +0000 there are two factors not seen by Patrick Bet- David and his guests first is the ignorance of humans only worried about lining their pockets with money for their own families generational wealth and comforts we no longer recycle what we have but create products to fail quickly to manufactoreven more quickly while depleting the earth or natural resource's and filling the earth with landfills. Humans are wasteful of food, fuel education and time.

No one spoke on the fact that the latest storm from Florida to Maine only up the east coast is not per say natural, could that be a huge message from God and Mother Earth/natural to get your shit right before we make you. Storms do not normally run in a straight line for 1800 miles like this unless there is a force creating it if man can do this like in the Vietnam War. You had better betGod/ Nature can set a message its angry.

And there are many people of this earth who are very connected to the power of nature and God who have control/influence of weather patterns for instance last November Buffalo's 77 inches of snow was supposed to hit all of NY Snowbelt. the five days of storms missed one city in particular Syracuse we had sun and blue sky's and only a dusting a few days out of that five days. Last X-mas Biden sent out a warning for storms for the entire northeast to be shut down that didn't happen. Why one of God's little helpers in that area and a local lake did not freeze over the first time in maybe 50 years. Again God's little helpers this is him answering prayers and sending a message. X-mas forecast 2023 NY sunny and 50 degrees. The Draconian Governments are on the way out. And sometime you can't interfere with his plans and let him send a clear message who is incharge. Maine to Florida should be a straightforward message. love and respect our home/ Earth and the Farther/Creator .God Bless the ones affected. Praise Jesus Amen

By: @SD-li9gk Tue, 19 Dec 2023 17:25:01 +0000 Apart from the dude with the glasses they all full of it

By: @kylealexander593 Sun, 10 Dec 2023 10:02:33 +0000 12,000 year earth cycle. Pole Excursion has accelerated, magnetic field is down 20%, Aurora Borealis at lower levels, whales & birds dying the sun is going to micro nova, a big flood likely. Our ancient ancestors around the world left messages about these events. I remember when the sun was yellow. Look at it tomorrow. This is the secret not ufo distractions. Good luck. Believe your eyes not the tv

By: @dylanfortune1391 Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:38:59 +0000 getting close to the beginning of the end.

By: @dylanfortune1391 Mon, 27 Nov 2023 16:35:26 +0000 we are in an iceage rn,
