Comments on: First Week at Test Job | Weird Weather #weekinmylife Exploring The Unknown Wed, 12 Jan 2022 14:27:24 +0000 hourly 1 By: K B Wed, 12 Jan 2022 14:27:24 +0000 I have PTSD from being in the may 3rd tornado of 1999, and growing up in Oklahoma where I just got retraumatized every summer. I moved up north and heard a siren, and drove 90mph back home, only to find out they use the exact same siren up here for fires. Not even big fires. Just any fire = tornado siren and panic attacks. Haha yay.

By: Dancing in the Psych Ward Tue, 11 Jan 2022 15:33:41 +0000 Really glad that a company finally gave you a chance- it's about time! I'm sorry about the storms and all the crap they brought back. People don't think about the effects of the abuse that thru inflict on other people, nor the lasting impact it has.

Hopefully this job is a positive thing in your life though. I just started working, too (after 5 gears of not) and it quickly reminded me that there's a reason I'm applying for disability. My body loves the physical activity from being a Doordash delivery guy but my mental health has gotten even worse. Do you find that it takes a while to get into a groove with a new job as far as how it affects your energy levels?

By: Whitecloud Dakota Tue, 11 Jan 2022 03:18:01 +0000 Happy New Year and how scary with the weather.
Its been in the Negatives here.
Kick butt in the job!!!! Congratulations and I am sorry you had to go through that trauma.

By: Teresa Tue, 11 Jan 2022 02:06:33 +0000 Congratulations on the new job!

By: Lindsey Mon, 10 Jan 2022 22:03:00 +0000 Congratulations on the job!

By: Alyna Waters Mon, 10 Jan 2022 21:20:03 +0000 Happy New Year!

By: Living Life with Judith Mon, 10 Jan 2022 19:35:36 +0000 First let me wish you a Happy New Year!!!!
Second, congrats on your new job!! That's great!
A tornado landed just behind my parents house when I was young (and we are not located in a tornado area at all) and it scared the sh!t out of me!! Now, as soon as the sky turns dark, I freak! Lol
So I understand how you felt.
