Comments on: Five 2022 Predictions That Everyone Should Be Ready For! Exploring The Unknown Wed, 18 May 2022 02:49:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: RedRedMane Wed, 18 May 2022 02:49:45 +0000 This is not so good. All Biblical evidence says that Jesus comes back THIS YEAR for His bride!!! This is PRECISELY the kind of lie that Satan would place before you in this very last hour!!! No joke.
God created this world in 6 literal days, with the 7th day being a sanctified as a day of rest ( which correlates to the 7th thousand-year-day which starts with the tribulation and ends ( in 2029 ) with Jesus’ triumphant return for His thousand year earthly reign!!! The 6 literal day creation period totally does away with the false theory of life on other “earths!!!” Star Wars, E.T. Star Trek, the X-Files, etc. have been formulated by the occult as an essential part of the final end-time LIE!!! It is a lie as wide, tall, and vast as the sky above!!! And it is nothing new. The ancient Sumarians ALSO fell for this deception. If God had actually created other earths containing “life”, we would have been told openly and honestly about it in God’s Holy Word!!!
This is PRECISELY what those who will be “left behind” are being told. It is the New Age Gospel of Star Wars!!! The global media mind-control institution along with the entertainment industry has been indoctrinating mankind with that for DECADES, now!!! NASA, SETI, and the space observatories have been crucial in establishing that there really is a great “out there” for these so-called “space people” to come from!!!
This is a LIE, people. Sorry. But regardless of what you believe, the Jesus is Lord, and this is what Satan is ALREADY deceiving the nations with!!!
You must now choose which “gospel” you will believe!!! The one that teaches you that you can save yourSELF through ascension practices, or the one that teaches you to let Jesus Christ cover your sins, as you can NOT save your own self. The one that teaches you that, more than likely, this upcoming Feast Of Trumpets will be the time of the rapture!!!
Satan wants you to miss out on the rapture!!! That is PRECISELY why he is using mediums like YouTube and Facebook to bring these seemingly liberating false truths before us!!! No joke.
I am impressed at how almost CHRISTIAN these messages from “DNA Awakenings” are!!! But God never did say anything about creating life upon another planet, and he never did say anything about your being able to save your own SELF using New Age ascension techniques and meditations!!!
Oh these so-called “Extraterrestrials” aren’t stupid enough to COMPLETELY deny the existence of Jesus, so they will provide you with the “lesser” jesus-christ-substitute ( all lowercase letters on purpose!!! )!!! This one will not be the “real deal.” Nope. This one will be .. “just another teacher!!!” This one will NOT be Jesus Christ, but a so-called extraterrestrial “jesus christ SUPERSTAR.”
Just a coincidence that we are right at the point of the rapture, and this “alien gospel” is being set before us?!?!

By: Jeff Philo Mon, 16 May 2022 10:49:37 +0000 Thank u brother. Peace n love of god is upon u.

By: Hapimana Whakaruru Mon, 16 May 2022 08:53:36 +0000 Unconditionally ❤☮☝]]> Golden age , , ,all instilling fear will be lost to their own manifestation, , , , be merciful thru the divine ❤️ Unconditionally ❤️☮️☝️

By: Nicky Vaughn Fri, 13 May 2022 05:14:32 +0000 ]]> Me course my brother ❤

By: Earl of the Aries. Fri, 06 May 2022 08:12:04 +0000 1.3K comments.

By: Earl of the Aries. Fri, 06 May 2022 08:04:25 +0000 Listening while reading the comments.

By: the hillbilly gamer ! Fri, 06 May 2022 06:37:48 +0000 First of all the aliens even if they had some kind of telepathy where they could use it to influence large groups of people they wouldn't even need to do that all they'd have to do is just send a couple of their ships in orbit and just start destroying large parts of the surface of the planet

By: Wrestling Maximum Knowledge Mon, 02 May 2022 19:53:25 +0000 As long as we are not talking about the Christian God or the Christian Jesus as long as we are talking about the actual spirits of divide love and care they have absolutely nothing to do with the teachings of the Bible because the Bible is a lie but they are the truth the truth is something that you must find inside not from an old dusty book so I really hope they're not talking about Christianity because that is a fake cult

By: B C Fri, 29 Apr 2022 12:33:52 +0000 May day. Watch out for a world changing event. May 1st.

By: April Parsons Mon, 25 Apr 2022 18:24:24 +0000 I trust the plan love light to us all.
