Heavily Redacted USS Kearsarge UAP Encounter Document Released

On March 27, 2022, Dave Beaty broke the story about multiple Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) seen over the USS Kearsarge which occurred in the Fall of 2021.

Dave’s full write-up can be found here: The 2021 USS Kearsarge Sightings. which offers the entire back story.

Oddly, when Dave filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) case for records pertaining to the event (case DON-USMC-006344), it was denied as having found no records. He reported that development on Twitter on April 29, 2022:

Then, this week, researcher Kyle Warfel received a response to his FOIA request (case DON-USMC-2022-006943) which yielded a responsive document, which was a printed PowerPoint presentation, though it was heavily redacted.

With permission, Kyle allowed The Black Vault to archive the release here, which is now available to download below. In addition, Dave went back to the same office that previously denied him, and also retrieved the same printed presentation.

It is unclear why the same office, signed by the same person, gave different results.

Here is Kyle’s FOIA release, and the responsive documents:

USS Kearsarge UAP Encounter Documents Released [16 pages, 1.5MB]

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