Comments on: How Animals Detect Disaster Before Humans | Sense Of Danger | Spark Exploring The Unknown Thu, 21 Jul 2022 15:18:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: D D Thu, 21 Jul 2022 15:18:32 +0000 They’ll be super friendly and affectionate, when meeting some people, but when others approach, I’ve seen them go on guard and scare them away in an instant- always when I’d had a gut instinct, that the person was trouble.<br><br>Wish I had skills like them🙂]]> Animals are amazing at detecting all kinds of threats- natural & man made. I take my dogs everywhere, & actually look to them, when I’m unsure of certain things, to c how they’re behaving. My rural turned urban area has become high crime. My dogs have saved me from a few attempted carjackings, & presumably attacks/ kidnapping, at least twice, in just the last year alone.

I take them everywhere I go. The moment I put my car in park, until I’m back in the car, with doors locked, with it in drive, they all stand guard, by each picking a window, to watch out, while the biggest dog, hangs out the window, closest to me (while getting gas). I’m always aware of my surroundings (very safety conscientious), so last week, I scanned my surroundings, b4 proceeding to fill up tank. Only 1 truck, on other set of pumps, nobody standing around anywhere, except the guy filling up his truck…but for some reason, my dogs all fixated on the ice machine. I saw nobody. But as I went to walk to my driver door, my very large dog, stuck his top half out the window, to block me, from passing him. Within seconds, all hell broke lose, & my dogs all went nuts, with my pit bull trying to break her tether, to jump into driver seat. I took few steps back, & saw that some creep with bad intentions, had been hiding behind the ice machine, watching me. As he’d seen me finish pumping, he’d snuck out, around the pump from the other side, from where I was (blocking my view of him, sneaking up, near my Driver’s door). He hadn’t seen my dogs, from his perspective, but they knew he was there, & were waiting.
When I tried returning to my seat, my dogs blocked me, and pushed me back, where I’d just come from,just as the guy snuck around- soon as they knew he was gonna approach, the went nuts & terrified him, into slowly backing away. I absolutely cherish my dogs, & trust their judgement, on many things 🙂 They’ll be super friendly and affectionate, when meeting some people, but when others approach, I’ve seen them go on guard and scare them away in an instant- always when I’d had a gut instinct, that the person was trouble.

Wish I had skills like them🙂

By: Fretnes Butke Thu, 21 Jul 2022 06:32:34 +0000 There most definitely is an intuitive sensitivity to nature that we disregard at our peril. I'd advise urban types to hang out with indigenous people. They know it from generations facing necessity. Another amazing aspect of nature is the general symbiosis of all animals. They notice each other when there's a new food or water source,and recognize each other's alarm calls. The squirrels hear the robin's warning. This makes such elegant sense.

By: lou bock Thu, 21 Jul 2022 01:41:29 +0000 DO NOT RIDE THESE ELEPHANTS!! you are contributing to the abuse and cruelty!

By: Do Like You Would Be Done By Wed, 20 Jul 2022 16:42:43 +0000 They are grounded… We in the West are disconnected from mother Earth.. Look at your shoes.. Do you connect?

By: Pcjonathan Pc Wed, 20 Jul 2022 14:50:55 +0000 stop riding elephants…

By: Jennifer Bernante Tue, 19 Jul 2022 13:34:26 +0000 In my country every time there's a danger is come to happen they alert people but our people doesn't follow that's why we have people dying in those tragedy.

By: Brotherofjaredyt Tue, 19 Jul 2022 00:53:41 +0000 "Do get the answers-ask the beasts"

By: RobertBrz HeintzBrz Mon, 18 Jul 2022 16:19:36 +0000 The nerves transmit information along their cell “skin” via electric waves. In physics I learned that a current in a magnetic field produces a force and vice versa (electric motor, dynamo). We live in the magnetic field of the earth. So a change in electric field (rock being squished) influences our nerves. We humans are just too far away from nature to realize it, while animals aren’t civilized and feel it. Simple as that. Measuring it on the other hand….

By: тери бг Mon, 18 Jul 2022 12:54:35 +0000 Only the cats outside letter they shout, it's always like that!And where I touch it, I get an electric current😕]]> I always feel pain in my legs and cramps before an earthquake, that's how I know, and my mother's legs are also cramping And my dog ​​doesn't react at all😁Only the cats outside letter they shout, it's always like that!And where I touch it, I get an electric current😕

By: new moon Sun, 17 Jul 2022 16:12:59 +0000 Suggested reading: "Psychic Pets: The Secret Life of Animals" by Joseph Wylder, and "Homer's Odyssey" by Gwen Cooper.
