Comments on: How Humans Can See The Future | Weird or What? | Ft. William Shatner | Documentary Central Exploring The Unknown Thu, 22 Feb 2024 13:47:53 +0000 hourly 1 By: @lorenzethanlause2818 Thu, 22 Feb 2024 13:47:53 +0000 before i was born in 2013 i seen some pictures on the future like the president the places and etc

By: @TradeWithSid Wed, 21 Feb 2024 19:09:05 +0000 all they know is how to term all these powers fake 😂<br><br>It’s all real <br>I myself had many personal experiences of this power including the plane ✈ crash strong dream I woke up in fear as I saw that I was in plane ✈ and it’s falling toward ground and when I wake up I had a strong feeling that it’s going to happen somewhere in the world 🌍 soon . And it did . A plane ✈ crashed in Nepal two days after my dream 💭 <br><br>And this is one of hundreds of such premonitions and not everything is negative only <br><br>I am a forex trader and sometimes I invest in stocks as well . I sometimes in meditation or in dream see the future price of assets and believe me after learning trading a lot I may still be wrong many times but this intuitive feeling is always 100% correct <br><br>All this exists <br>If you believe it’s there for you to guide , if you don’t believe it simply doesn’t exist for you]]> I am a strong believer of human powers and this premonition or visions of the future is one of them
Those who believe gets hint from divine intelligence
Those who are critical and doubtful gets nothing 😂all they know is how to term all these powers fake 😂

It’s all real
I myself had many personal experiences of this power including the plane ✈️ crash strong dream I woke up in fear as I saw that I was in plane ✈️ and it’s falling toward ground and when I wake up I had a strong feeling that it’s going to happen somewhere in the world 🌍 soon . And it did . A plane ✈️ crashed in Nepal two days after my dream 💭

And this is one of hundreds of such premonitions and not everything is negative only

I am a forex trader and sometimes I invest in stocks as well . I sometimes in meditation or in dream see the future price of assets and believe me after learning trading a lot I may still be wrong many times but this intuitive feeling is always 100% correct

All this exists
If you believe it’s there for you to guide , if you don’t believe it simply doesn’t exist for you

By: @desiree6256 Wed, 21 Feb 2024 01:26:12 +0000 Yes like a small legitimate chosen some we too have been given Astral Projection out of body encounters of the future, and for the small legitimate chosen ones including we our self our futures look promising, however for those whom didnt want to save them selves from their selves the future looks very bleak for them. Of course for those of us genuine small chosen ones with the visions some would have similar visions to ours or exact visions to ours. We've done our visions in drawings like some have done. And of course Apocalyltic Astral projections can sometimes mean that of our own personal lives, but like a small legitimate some we personally have been seeing counsellors, 1 psychiatrist and just recently a psychologist with whom we're still seeing

By: @sailingcapedissappointment2012 Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:09:49 +0000 They might not be dreams ,, I have been going out of body and remote viewing since I was a kid and in 1984 I spent a day in the not too distant future and there was no getting out of it . I can't say I saw any Chinese troops but in fact I didn't see anyone and there were no cars running around and there was no electricity, the town was deserted . Here's the hard part though there was a big Concrete building there in the future and after it was built I saw that it was exactly as it was when I see in the future, like literally concrete proof I was there . At the end of the day however I did finally see a few people but they were dying and they said we were in a war ….

By: @user-ky6cp1bm3g Mon, 12 Feb 2024 07:03:39 +0000 These people are sick

By: @OldesouthFarm Sun, 11 Feb 2024 23:30:34 +0000 Psychologists are worthless and the kid could feel it or a guardian angel was pushing him to get out of there…

By: @69-Dwayne_pipe Tue, 30 Jan 2024 08:35:23 +0000 One sunday,i farted.wasnt awfull, but it was very distinctive.7 days later after leaving burger King….there it was again.

If that isn't proof of the paranoidal then i didn't know what is…around 8:30 ish id say

By: @1-miss_yaLL Sun, 28 Jan 2024 00:54:31 +0000 I watching the television news story about the street racing and for a millisecond, he have the no legs

By: @user-hg2jb8vn6l Fri, 26 Jan 2024 20:24:32 +0000 Some dream's do come true in reality!

By: @alpimarzi5501 Wed, 24 Jan 2024 08:12:39 +0000 Is Steve Jr in jail??
