Strange Weather

How Weird Geography Saved Sichuan from Japanese Invasion

A combination of bizarre climate and unusual topography helped save the Sichuan basin from Japanese invasion in the late 1930s and early 1940s. Geography has played a critical role in the military history of China.


Fredman, Zach (2020). The Longer History of Imperial Incidents on the Yangtze. Modern American History, 3(1), 87–91.

Lin, Yutang.1944. The Vigil of a Nation. The John Day Company. New York.

The cult of geography: Chinese riverine defense during the Battle of Wuhan, 1937-1938. Di Wu.

General Wego W.K. Chiang “How the Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek Won the Chinese-Japanese Eight Years War, 1937–1945”.

Gen. Wego W.K. Chiang, Die Strategische Bedetung Taiwans, Taipei.

Idem. Chinese Communists Modernization Problems, Taipei, 1979.

Individual Choice and State-Led Nationalist Mobilization in China: Self-interested Patriots, Wen Zha, 2015.

A Wartime Stampede: Renewing Social Contract After The Great Tunnel Disaster of Chongqing. Cambridge University Press. January 16th 2017.

Alphonse Max, Southeast Asia: Destiny and Reality, Montevideo, Uruguay: International Studies (Spanish translation By Dr. Santiago Rompani and Prof. Alvaro Casal), 1985.

Chinese Meteorological Society

Weather Atlas

Conditions of Competition of Certain Oranges and Lemons in the Fresh U.S. Market, Inv. 332-469

Zhang, Li; Zhan, Qingming; Lan, Yuliang (2018). Effects of the tree distribution and species on outdoor environment conditions in a hot summer and cold winter zone: A case study in Wuhan residential quarters. Building and Environment, 130(), 27–39. doi:10.1016/j.buildenv.2017.12.014


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Scarecrw October 29, 2021 at 6:57 pm

These videos are great! Thanks!

Casual Earth October 29, 2021 at 7:50 pm

Apologies for the Americanized pronunciation of Sichuan. I said I wouldn’t do it, hit record, and still did it. I’ll take a page out of John Green’s book and just say “mispronouncing things is my thing”.

Side note: the size of the Yangtze River in the historical photos varies so widely due to China’s monsoon climate (wet summer, dry winter), before the Three Gorges dam began to moderate the flow. Stretches of the river that were easily navigable in late summer shrank significantly and revealed coursing rapids in late winter.

Vittalius October 29, 2021 at 9:12 pm

great video

Morethan3letters October 30, 2021 at 4:46 am

Good video

Paul November 1, 2021 at 1:19 pm

Interesting stuff, I've been subbed since your first video 🙂

Prathamesh Parikh November 2, 2021 at 4:34 pm

Awesome video!

Edward Davis December 11, 2021 at 3:35 pm

This makes me want to visit the Sichuan Basin – Being a cultural geographer, I had already been interested in it, but now it is even more fascinating. Thank you.

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