Strange Weather

Is THIS the Real Reason Weather is Getting Wilder?

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If you feel like the weather has been getting a lot weirder and wilder lately, you’re not alone. While it’s easy to blame climate change, we need to dive deeper. There has been a recent increase in polar vortex events bringing arctic air far enough south to cause snow in places like Texas, extreme heat waves like in the Pacific Northwest, and extreme rain like we saw after Hurricane Ida. Even fires in Siberia and drought hint at a new dust bowl. NOAA’s 2020 Billion-Dollar Weather and Climate Disaster report showed a notable uptick in extremes. And 2021 was no exception, with 10.6% of all weather stations reporting record temperatures. And with the continued emission of carbon into the atmosphere, this should come as no real surprise.

But some new scientific research shows that there is a surprising thread that connects nearly all of these weather events. Tune in to learn why it feels like our weather is spiraling out of control and what we might have in store.

Weathered is a show hosted by weather expert Maiya May and produced by Balance Media that helps explain the most common natural disasters, what causes them, how they’re changing, and what we can do to prepare.

Greenland photo/video credit: Dr. Sarah Das, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

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Barbarian Celt Lad August 21, 2023 at 7:13 pm

Conservative congressmen bringing a snowball into Congress as proof of Climate Change being fake is sick. Look at the footage from January 6- most people didn't even need coats. I grew up in the DC area, and the years 2001 to about 2011 are considered very snowy, but they were really normal for the 1970s. The 90s is where change started rearing its ugly head, with 55 degree Christmases, etc.

Jack Farias August 23, 2023 at 12:41 am

Where's that on top of Mount Washington

fixe August 23, 2023 at 9:11 am

It is a 24/ 7 Weathermanipulation by Chemtrails from all Airplanes , HAARP Technology, and also new Spacelasers, Directed Energy Weapons.

fixe August 23, 2023 at 9:19 am

there is not any proof at all that Co2 would have an impact on the climate. Why has it been so much more colder in earth history with much higher Co2 levels than.
Al Gore and colleagues simply want to sell their new unreliable shit like solar, wind and E- cars and at the same time they want to kill 90 % of the global population as written by the Freemasons on the georgia guidestones.

Ben Vincent August 28, 2023 at 3:55 am

It has been noted that the shift in the jet stream from Zonal flow to Meridional flow occurs when the sun's solar cycles are weak. Solar Cycle 24 was the weakest in decades and SC 25 is still gaining strength.

Kenneth Hudson August 30, 2023 at 2:34 pm

No, because PBS lies for the government

Kenneth Hudson August 30, 2023 at 2:35 pm

Our carbon in the atmosphere is.04% and trees take care of that

Mark Parker August 31, 2023 at 12:00 am

The climate has been changing since the beginning of time. If the Climate had not changed 40,000 years ago, we would have a 2 mile thick glacier covering NY. We are technically still in an ice age. The earth has been much warmer in the past and has changed quicker than it is changing now. Man is the most adaptive animal to ever walk the earth. We are going to be fine.

Progressive23 August 31, 2023 at 5:27 pm

I study weather as a hobby and have hundreds of pages of weather notes. The poles are warming faster than the tropics and it makes sense to me that if you decrease the temperature difference between the poles and the tropics the jet stream will get weaker and a weaker jet stream is wavier/more likely to get stuck in place. I'm amazed that this issue hasn't been studied more, some meteorologists suspect this but that hasn't been a formal study to confirm it. A few meteorologists say the jet stream has not been getting wavier/more stuck in place but I question this because we have had alot of extreme weather lately and if you pull up a upper level wind chart you will see that there is a big ridge or trough in the jet stream where the extreme weather is occurring.

Lawrence Kimoff August 31, 2023 at 6:47 pm

Okay so it's called weather
Repurchased by what do you want Government.
The big reason for weather change is trillions of gallons of underground water for millions of yrs .
Being brought up and used to irrigation demands cause it's Cheaper.
It's like a steam locomotives using water to create power.
The atmosphere can only hold water.
Shocking what goes up does come down.

Adrian . September 1, 2023 at 4:56 am

These "people" really are pushing climate change and making everyone believe humans are changing the weather by our CO2 footprint when there's evidence everywhere that weather has been manipulated and will continue to do so. Chemtrails + haarp= climate change. They know that changing the weather would fuck with nature and we would look for someone to save us from it. They create the problem and present the solution when the time is right to keep everyone under their control

Curious Mind September 1, 2023 at 9:42 pm

While i experienced changes oif weather patterns over time I have doubts that they are as real as I think. Memories do fail us, and due to technology and awareness we pay more attention to weather, and not just in.our local area. 40 years ago nobody would have reported on fires or floods in remote areas, orther countries…on a daily basis. A lot of them happened but nobody filmed it and sent it to the news channeks… Although back then they were talking about global cooling not being as bad as they thought in the 70s but a nuclear war looming… then Tshernobyl happened…
That greenhouse gases, and specifically CO2 are causing the warming of the atmosphere is still very much a theory, and all the studies presented only cover a very narrow range of data and very limited models.
They look more like a self-fulfilling prophecy to me. How much research is done and funded to investigate other alternatives and theories when any.mentioning gets immediately called ridiculed and put in.the big drawer of conspiracy theories?
On the other hand any entity playing with the weather (cloud seeding, HAARP, Sulphur added to plane fuel, greening the dessert) has free range without anybody studying the consequences. Maybe all these actions have actually caused the changes in weather we are experiencing?

Curious Mind September 1, 2023 at 11:40 pm

As long we have governments and private organisations play with weather meddling technology, we will have unprecedented weather and geological appearances going a notch further than what happens naturally anyway. And if it comes to the latest records being measured, keep in mind that we've only measured it fkr about 200 years, and wirh a wide range of instruments which have considerable deviation.
Rather than looking up in the air and pretend we can safely influence the climate somehow, I recommend to look down on what we do to our earth. We poison our land, air, water in our proximity, we keep using plastic and chemicals at large scale every day,. We allow the industry to "offset" environmental damage with money, bribery, ignorance… its not climate change we got worry about, its environmental damage all around us influencing what we eat, breath or drink, and what we do to the soil and water with impact for centuries to come.
Yes, it's that simple.

Vinny dog September 3, 2023 at 3:33 am

It isn't normal, but not unusual. There has always been extremes. Believe me, working at night in North Dakota at night , you don't believe in global warming in January!

Justin Franke September 3, 2023 at 9:44 pm

It’s almost like the younger dryas impact from 14,500 years ago when the glaciers melted extremely fast and caused the ocean to rise, but that’s not what is happening now climate change doesn’t happen without human intervention

Bruce Stewart September 4, 2023 at 1:52 am

Can HAARP or other man made devices affect the jet stream? Does anyone want to ask such questions?

Chris Musix September 4, 2023 at 10:49 pm

Drop a small rock in a pond, and your waves are small. Drop a large boulder in the pond, and highs are higher and the lows are lower. More energy everywhere.

olheghtt September 6, 2023 at 1:39 am

There's been more and more talk lately that the government's are in fact somehow manipulating the weather for whatever advantage they can get from it.

tom September 6, 2023 at 3:07 am


tom September 6, 2023 at 4:42 am

nooo media and gov are creating more fear, this is cycle

tom September 6, 2023 at 4:48 am

you haven't lived long enough to see truth about cycles. 30's dust bowel, 60's same as now, i saw that, its just time again. melting has been going on forever in cycles. your experience is limited and technology can see more and create more misinformation

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