Strange Weather

Killer Rogue Waves & Other Strange Phenomena That Happen Around The World!

Nature is capable of some pretty weird stuff, from tricks of light like rainbows and the Aurora Borealis to powerful natural Phenomena like Earthquakes, Volcanoes, and Tsunamis. Although these phenomena are usually well documented, here are 10 that you may not have heard of!

1. Firenado
In 2018 in California, 17 major wildfires were burning across the county. One of them, “Carr fire” crossed the Sacramento River and threatened the city of Redding. As residents attempted to evacuate the city the wildfire grew so strong that the air it was sucking in began to circulate at incredible speeds creating what is known as a Fire tornado.

2. Killer wave
The Killer Wave, also known as a rogue wave or freak wave, occurs in open water and unlike Tsunamis which are made by seismic activity and can go unnoticed out at sea, killer waves seemingly come from nowhere. Many ships have given reports of large waves coming out of nowhere and freak incidents have been reported for hundreds of years. but it wasn’t until 1995 that a Killer wave was recorded scientifically.

3. Fallstreak Hole
These are clouds that look like they’ve had a hole cut out of them. This phenomenon is caused because the water temperature in the cloud is below freezing but ice crystals have not formed, because they lack a nucleus to form around. As soon as one crystal forms, it creates a domino effect. The ice crystals form, then fall, then evaporate, leaving a hole in the cloud

4. Mosquito Nets
In July 2010 Record monsoon rains began to fall in Northwest Pakistan causing massive flooding all over the country. This water took months to recede and some trees began to grow a strange protective webbing around themselves. This webbing was later found to be spider webs, as millions of spiders had fled to the trees to escape the flooding. Authorities were worried about elevated malaria cases due to the increased mosquito population because of the stagnant water.

5. White Fur
This Odd white fur only grows on certain trees under certain conditions. Scientists discovered that the fur is actually ice that forms on the rotting branches of some trees.
In 1918 Alfred Wegener studied the ice and found it contained a fungus called Mycelium which is a mass of thin threads from where mushrooms grow. 100 years later and thanks to a study of the physics of ice, a phenomenon called Ice Segregation was found to be the driving mechanism. whereas on the branch, the ice forms a crust-like layer, On the fungus, the ice forms around it as it grows to create this white fur.

6. Firefall
In Yosemite park, in the winter months between December and April. Coldwater streams down from the melting mountain tops to form the “Horsetail falls”. Only on clear evenings between mid and late February, a rare effect can be seen. The sunset is at just the right angle to illuminate the falls, making it glow orange. Giving it the appearance of gold or fire flowing down the cliffside.

7. Lenticular Clouds
They may look “Otherworldly” but they are actually a cloud formation known as Altocumulus Lenticularis. This phenomenon occurs at high altitudes and is a result of warm air rushes up the mountain and then condensing above it. the clouds are especially strange as they do not move and only change shape, they can appear as circular, oval, or even various stacked on top of each other like pancakes!

8. The Black Cloud
A Phenomenon that is best seen in the UK, in Autumn. A Starling Murmuration is when thousands of starlings begin to arrive in small flocks above a roosting site. they join together and form a swirling mass of intricate shapes which is thought to ward off attacks from birds of prey. Their ability to fly so close to each other without touching is incredible to watch. Once they are sure there are no predators around, some groups descend one by one into the roost.

9. Supercells
Supercells can occur anywhere under the right conditions but are most commonly found in the United States. If you look into the sky and see a massive anvil-shaped cloud towering upwards, don’t head towards it, it’s probably a supercell thunderstorm.
This type of thunderstorm is also known as a rotating thunderstorm because it has a Mesocyclone in its interior. there are three main types of Supercell, low, normal, and high precipitation and all are potentially disastrous.

10. Frost Flower
Frost flowers are delicate ice flowers that bloom on new sea ice. When the air temperature is colder than the temperature of the ice. Water vapor in the air is frozen into ice without passing through the liquid stage. when the weather is calm these crystals settle on the sea ice and begin to slowly grow into these intricate shapes that resemble flowers.

Which phenomena had you not heard of?
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Jayvon Senior March 26, 2021 at 2:12 pm

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Arradea March 26, 2021 at 2:15 pm

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Amy Bookaholic March 26, 2021 at 3:05 pm


molly March 27, 2021 at 2:40 pm

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king sweden March 29, 2021 at 10:32 am

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