Life Found By Curiosity Rover! Cocoon Found, Photos, UFO Sighting News.



Date of discovery: Dec 10, 2021 

Date of photos: Taken Oct 8, 2012 

Location of discovery: 

Photos: Sol 62 

I was looking over Curiosity Rovers recent photos and found these two photos with a shaded skin in them. Its nice there are two. It make more evidence. The shaded skin is being looked at by a micro camera designed to see grains of sand and tiny details that a normal camera would of course over look. The images show a skin of some kind of tiny organism…insect size. At the bottom of the cocoon, there is an opening where the tiny creature crawled out. This cocoon looks to be about 2-3mm in length, but that is a best guess.

A similar cocoon was found a while back and was found in a color photo. 100% proof that there is life on Mars right now. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 


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