Nellis AFB Spokesperson Emails: Area 51


The following records were requested by The Black Vault from Nellis AFB in January of 2023. The request was a search on Nellis AFB spokesperson Lt. Col. Bryon McGarry’s email box, for all messages that contained the following keywords: “Unidentified Aerial” and/or “unidentified anomalous” and/or “Area 51” and/or “Dreamland”.

The original request was prompted by the news about the Area 51 Dreamland Resort webmaster getting raided by the Air Force and FBI and Lt. Col. McGarry being quoted in outlets that covered the news.

The request yielded a few exchanges between journalists and the public affairs office unrelated to the raid, but one exchange proved the most revealing about that event specifically.

Although Lt. Col. McGarry was quoted in numerous articles that he had known about the raid, behind the scenes, it was a different story. Although the name is redacted, the signature of the email is not, and the title is “Chief, Nellis AFB Public Affairs”, a title Lt. Col. McGarry has listed on his LinkedIn page at the time the email was written.


The response was:

The remaining documents can be found below.

Document Archive

Nellis AFB Spokesperson Emails: Area 51 [26 Pages, 3.6MB]


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