New UAP Video By US Gov Boarder Patrol! Sept 26, 2023, UFO Sighting News.

 US Border Patrol Protection: https://www.cbp.gov/document/foia-record/unidentified-aerial-phenomenon 

Location of sighting: US Border

Date of sighting: Unknown

This is not the the website that was released to the public last month called the AARO, this is the US boarder patrol UAP site they just made and they released a dozen videos silently on the site. The videos contain unknown craft that have been recorded by the US military planes or US drones. This one shows a square craft that suddenly has a single large wing and then the wing vanishes. Also the UAP drops some flat rectangle object at the 1:45 mark in my video. Yes it could be a drug drone dropping of drugs, but if US Boarder patrol calls it a UFO who am I to argue with them. If this was a drone, the wing would not vanish for most of the video, very odd, no craft can cloak from infrared video, but it happens. Also, why does the US gov release videos that have no date, no exact location? Why keep the public in the dark here? 

Seriously interesting. 

Scott C. Waring 


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