Old Couple in Argentina Take Photos Of UFO, Feb 1, 2024, UFO Sighting News.



Date of sighting: Feb 1, 2024
Location of sighting: Capilla del Monte, Argentina

Now most people wont know this but Argentina is a hotbed of UFO activity. Over the years I have posted dozens of video and photos from Argentina and this one is defiantly one of the best. At first I thought this may be a blimp, but I enlarged the photo to see its a large tilted dark disk. Now I remember an interview with Bob Lazar of Area S4, who worked on UFOs inside Area 51. He said when a UFO disk moves, it has to tilt to steer itself into the direction it wants to go. And this UFO is tilting big time. Blimps don’t do that. They stay live. And the over cast sky clearly was giving this UFO good hiding area, however it flew too low and was seen by the elderly couple. This is 100% proof that UFOs love Argentina and feel released enough to fly low and slow. 

Scott C. Waring 

News states: 

An elderly pair of vacationers in Argentina claim to have spotted an unidentified flying object last week while taking photos of white birds in a tree around San Pedro de Colalao, on the nation’s northern side.

The location is an 8-hour drive from Capilla del Monte, which hosts an annual UFO festival to celebrate an eerie occurrence from nearly 40 years ago that left large burn marks on a hill’s grass.

Now, in the case of 76-year-old Rina Juárez, it was her husband, René, who first made out the aerial anomaly as they drove from their home in San Miguel de Tucumán on Feb. 1 for a resort stay.

“I told my husband, ‘Look, here comes a black bird,’” Juárez told Jam Press. “Then my husband said, ‘It’s not a bird, it’s a flying saucer.’”Juárez was able to snap photos of the oval-shaped object as it headed toward some mountains.

“I noticed it was at the same height as the power cables, but then I saw it going higher and higher,” she recalled.

She showed the snaps to her grandchildren, who were “in awe” of the images and her holiday tale.

“I needed to see this in my life,” Juárez added. “You had to see it to believe it.”


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