Comments on: Our extreme weather and climate future. Exploring The Unknown Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:19:32 +0000 hourly 1 By: ruphuloid Sat, 29 Nov 2014 23:19:32 +0000 very informative…and a much better format than the cats videos! I agree you should please the viewers to gain a large audience but cats..really?

By: Dr. Phil Sun, 09 Mar 2014 18:31:52 +0000 How is it possible for this Earth to support 7 billion people during this period that are dependent on stability for the agriculture? crops and animals will die cause of they cannot adapt, and so will people. And if the methane under the artic melts we likely have another mass extinction event.

By: Rob de laet Mon, 03 Mar 2014 13:16:25 +0000 Dear Paul, thanks for your new instructive video (not a fun message though). Do you have a sense at what time scale we are looking with regards to large scale disruption to food production? World food production has been quite good in 2013 even despite all the extreme weather events. Earlier extremes like the Russian wheat crop failure due to massive heat wave (2010) triggered higher prices, but that was mainly due to policy (export stop by Putin). Decreased corn production in the US in 2012 did little to world markets. Thanks, Rob

By: AmazingApe Tue, 25 Feb 2014 17:20:15 +0000 Paul, is there a chance you could make a video that would explain how scientists know the Arctic Sea has never been ice-free in the summer for the past several hundreds of thousands of years?
Who worked on this and how did they reach this conclusion?

By: Tj Quattro Team Sun, 23 Feb 2014 15:58:59 +0000 maybe you should mention chemtrails if you are climate expert and what are they doing to climate,or you doesnt heard about it

By: Mauricio Helipilot Fri, 21 Feb 2014 12:42:14 +0000 Professor, oscillating jetstream can be the sign that they are about to break and even stop. This reduction or interruption of the jetstream would mean the formation of super storms type mega cluster taking an entire hemisphere?
one of the consequeces would be strong winds that could topple building?
Have we passed the point of no return and any action is in vain?
How much longer on your personal calculations considering the methane can we stand up until a complete melting of the poles?
Go underground would be a solution? For how long?
Thanks and sorry about so many questions 🙂

By: Cian Curran Wed, 19 Feb 2014 12:17:16 +0000 Thank you for all your videos Mr. Beckwith. Much appreciated.

By: superkamo0331 Tue, 18 Feb 2014 18:17:51 +0000 Can u talk about what you think about bioengineering and if it will work

By: Dorsi Diaz Tue, 18 Feb 2014 04:50:25 +0000 Great video Paul. I like your poster – did you make that yourself? I might need to do one like that for the show.

By: Philip Payson Mon, 17 Feb 2014 11:15:54 +0000 I enjoy your posts however you need to practice your delivery and eliminate all "ums" and "uhs" just let there be silence. Thank you for this post.
