Permindex – Front Organization for the CIA?


Permindex is a now-defunct organization that was established in the 1950s, with its headquarters located in Rome, Italy. It was ostensibly created to facilitate trade and commerce between European countries and those in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. However, Permindex is perhaps best known for its alleged involvement in various conspiracies and clandestine activities during the Cold War era.

One of the most notable conspiracy theories associated with Permindex is its alleged involvement in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in 1963. According to this theory, Permindex was a front organization for a group of international elites who sought to overthrow the US government and establish a new world order. Some have even suggested that Permindex was linked to the CIA or other intelligence agencies, and that its members had ties to organized crime.

While there is no concrete evidence to support these conspiracy theories, the fact remains that Permindex was a highly secretive and shadowy organization that operated outside the public eye. It was founded by a group of European businessmen, including Louis M. Bloomfield, a Canadian lawyer who had ties to the intelligence community. Bloomfield and others involved with Permindex were known to have connections to various political and military figures, including dictators and other authoritarian leaders.

Despite its murky origins and reputation, Permindex did operate as a legitimate business organization for a time, and it played a role in facilitating trade and commerce between Europe and other parts of the world. However, its association with various conspiracy theories and alleged illegal activities ultimately led to its downfall, and it was officially dissolved in the early 1970s.

Today, Permindex remains a subject of fascination for many conspiracy theorists and historians, who continue to speculate about its true purpose and activities. While the truth may never be fully known, the legacy of Permindex serves as a reminder of the often-shadowy world of international politics and commerce, and the potential for powerful individuals and organizations to operate beyond the reach of public scrutiny.

FBI Files on Permindex

FBI Files on Permindex [55 Pages, 3.2MB]


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