Comments on: Physicist Michio Kaku on the Shift in the UFO Phenomenon Exploring The Unknown Wed, 28 Dec 2022 06:49:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: KH C Wed, 28 Dec 2022 06:49:01 +0000 Joe, you have to ask the lecturer point blank 4:12, “what does Michio Kaku himself think of these things? What does Michio Kaku think they are?”

By: ying ying Wed, 28 Dec 2022 05:56:30 +0000 We need get ready to face them one day, I believe that devil still among us, as it like in the garden with Eve.

By: THE DON Wed, 28 Dec 2022 03:40:33 +0000 Aliens lol I’m guessing Bigfoot Dracula and spongebob are also real

By: Hugh Janus Wed, 28 Dec 2022 01:13:01 +0000 We need to get this clear: there is absolutely no properly credible evidence for ‘alien visitation’ to planet Earth. All of it, <b>all</b> of it is circumstantial, at best. Vague stuff seen in the sky? Well, to make the dramatic leap that this is alien sh*t from light years away would have William of Ockham up in arms. For me, this thing is rather simple: given the size of the Universe, that is, given that our Universe contains at least 70 septillion stars, 7 followed by 23 zeros, and so astronomers estimate there exist roughly 10,000 stars for each grain of sand on Earth, then it’s natural to assume there is life out there, and ‘not as we know it, Jim'. However, on current evidence, I’m not buying the idea that we have been/are being visited. I work on evidence. Hitherto, this evidence has been much too weak for the assertion that the aliens are here. 👽]]> 🛸 We need to get this clear: there is absolutely no properly credible evidence for ‘alien visitation’ to planet Earth. All of it, all of it is circumstantial, at best. Vague stuff seen in the sky? Well, to make the dramatic leap that this is alien sh*t from light years away would have William of Ockham up in arms. For me, this thing is rather simple: given the size of the Universe, that is, given that our Universe contains at least 70 septillion stars, 7 followed by 23 zeros, and so astronomers estimate there exist roughly 10,000 stars for each grain of sand on Earth, then it’s natural to assume there is life out there, and ‘not as we know it, Jim'. However, on current evidence, I’m not buying the idea that we have been/are being visited. I work on evidence. Hitherto, this evidence has been much too weak for the assertion that the aliens are here. 👽

By: Marmaduke Winterbotham Tue, 27 Dec 2022 21:47:50 +0000 There are over 5.22 billion smartphone users in the world, representing 66% of the global population. And yet we still don't see irrefutable photos of UFOs compared to those taken in the 50sand 60s when people had to rush into the house to fetch their Kodak cameras. With that many mobile phones, we should by now be seing high definition photos and videos on an almost daily basis.

By: rich m Tue, 27 Dec 2022 21:28:09 +0000 Government 'strategists' say " yup, this UFO stuff looks like an excellent distraction. Should have rolled it out earlier."

By: Groucho Marxist Tue, 27 Dec 2022 06:24:46 +0000 They’re ours. He believes what the says when they deny?

By: Groucho Marxist Tue, 27 Dec 2022 06:23:32 +0000 Remember that Twilight Zone episode “How to Serve Humans”?

By: Ming Tue, 27 Dec 2022 03:27:32 +0000 If they are alien, why are they only seen in the US?
I've always said that if a non hostile alien suddenly becomes hostile it's probably US provoked.

By: steven carrier Tue, 27 Dec 2022 00:58:04 +0000 HYPERSONIC BULLSHIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
