Strange Weather

Rainstorms in France and Spain!strong winds Monterrry and more earth change around the world, sept15

Rainstorms in France and Spain!strong winds Monterrry and more earth change around the world, sept15

***** September 15, 2021 *****
00:00 Heavy rain and thunderstorm in Montpellier, france
3:27 Popocatépetl volcano, mexico
4:41 Monterrry. Mexico, strong winds and rain
6:30 Spain, hellin
7:12 Waterspout, sakarya, turkey
8:08 China, earthquake in sichuan

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Rigor Pérez September 16, 2021 at 1:10 pm

Hours of power a September to remember, and that's a boom.
'Oppenheimer Ranch Project '

Оксана Бабич September 16, 2021 at 1:57 pm

Les causes des cataclysmes mondiaux à travers la planète ont été discutées lors d'une conférence internationale appelée la crise mondiale. Cela concerne déjà tout le monde. Les scientifiques de cette conférence ont donné leurs réponses. En regardant la conférence, vous pouvez en apprendre davantage sur l'ensemble de ce qui se passe. Parler dedans et comment s'en sortir, c'est la construction d'une Société Créative !

Meana Beana September 16, 2021 at 8:59 pm

Thank you for sharing this compilation

Baked Gamer18 September 17, 2021 at 3:25 am

2:403:15 ?????

shomal245 shomal September 18, 2021 at 7:28 am

Mohmmed our love

Anglosaxon Mike September 22, 2021 at 8:17 pm

Today, 22nd September, 2021, I checked the local sea temperatures in the
English Channel. Usually, in September, the sea is around 19C. Today,
it's 10.5C. A full 8.5C below normal. I have no idea why. The weather
has been very normal, nice and warm at 20c for a few weeks, very
settled and calm. Any ideas anyone?

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