Seven UFOs Over Ocean Near Hawaii, April 7, 2023, UFO Sighting News.


Date of sighting: April 7, 2023
Location of sighting: 3 days sailing from Hawaii, USA
Source: MUFON

This photo was taken at night when some UFOs were coming out of an under ground base on the ocean floor. Since they can have privacy from humans, and since the earth is 75% covered by water, it only makes sense that the alien ships that travel through space could also easily travel through water. 100% proof that aliens have cities on the ocean floor not far from Hawaii. 

Scott C. Waring – Taiwan 

Eyewitness states: 

I was on cruise ship approx. 1 am taking a picture of the wake from the boat. Very clear night. 7 Red lights floating above horizon. 10 min. Then gone. Have photo in the middle of Pacific. Leaving Hawaii approx 3 days sailing from Hawaii. The next port Ensenada Mexico.

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