Comments on: Severe weather strikes the South with tornadoes, hail l WNT Exploring The Unknown Tue, 20 Jun 2023 23:47:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: DAUNTE SLETTEBAK I Tue, 20 Jun 2023 23:47:11 +0000 GET A NIGHT JOB? If you don’t have kids a night job and day sleep shelter arrangement may be the answer for a few weeks, until you get assistance or money for housing! Fed-Ex-Kinkos-24hrs, Denny’s-24hrs, Hospitals, Airports, Taxi and Limo Ltd’s, Rental Car Companies, Bowling Alleys-24hrs, Grocery Stores-24hrs, Health Clinics EMG Care-24hrs, any other company that is open 24 hours. 24hr jobs are a little bit more relaxed because it’s the middle of the night and foot traffic is at a low! Another plus is they don’t mind if you rest or laydown and sleep on your breaks! Some will let employees crash in the backroom on a cot or blow up bed! When sleeping at work make sure you choose an area out of the way! Like a backroom, unused conference room or office, large walk in closet, warehouse or garage! Be sure you don’t sleep on work hours! And put a do not disturb sign above your head, explaining you had a hard shift you were not feeling well and needed some rest! Most coworkers and staff will leave you to sleep! Also- Many public pools and gyms offer free bathroom, showers and lockers. Some employers also offer these in their employee lounge or break rooms. YMCA, Evanspool-Greenlake, 24hr Fitness, Camp Grounds, KOAs, Public Parks, Community Rec Centers, Nordstrom DTW! Large department stores offer showers, bathrooms and lockers as well as employee daybed and meal areas! (Think! Be aware! Look around!)

AIRPORTJOBS.COM, The airport is a great place to go! They are open 24 hrs., safe and most offer public sleeping rooms, bathrooms, lockers and rest areas! They also have many places to work and eat at, duty free gift stores that sell almost everything! They even have their own jobs center onsite! Work and sleep at the airport its 24hrs! They won’t kick you out if you work there! Clean, safe, easy to find a job! Try also try local airlines!,,,,,,,…etc. Many jobs available at the airport! I was a Flight Attendant and Ticketing/Gate Agent and worked at several airports! They are clean, safe and open 24hrs! They are a great place to rest your tired bones and offer many public areas to do just that! Many jobs abound at the airport! Everything from Ticketing Agents, Duty Free Retail Sales Agents, Ramp Agents, Station Managers, Assistant Managers, Baggage Desk Agents, Food Service Agents, Aircraft Mechanics, Aircraft Fuel Agents, Provisioning Agents, Mail Agents, Customer Service Agents, Sky Lounge Agents, Help Desk Agents, Charter Agents, Tour Operators, Rental Car Agents, Hotel Agents many, many jobs at the airport! They also have their own employment office on the mezzanine 2nd level! So work and rest at the airport!


Or maybe you would like to telecommute from home and work in your slippers from the couch? This is a great option for new moms, disabled, seniors, or injured workers. Or anyone who can’t make it outside, due to transportation issues such as no car, no bus route or limited mobility. There are many firms that offer telecommuting options worldwide! (You can make crafts at home and sell them online or work for a large employer or company!) Also see,, Many first time company funding lenders out there also! and others search online! Many offer this option now! You can contact your current company and ask HR Department if they offer this option for you? Many do offer this now for their employees! It saves the company millions in costs! It is also offered for many travel companies like cruiselines, airlines, insurance companies, phone companies, IT companies, audio firms, news firms and publishing firms. Take a look on the Internet. You can search,,, etc. Or call the company up you’re interested in and ask!

By: Christopher P Tue, 20 Jun 2023 02:49:00 +0000 Its pretty damn hot down here in Southeast Texas…

By: madaje Sun, 18 Jun 2023 23:46:51 +0000 cliimate change is real it dose not care if you are red are blue we all are in danger so keep on voting for republican who deny there is a problem and we all will have no further or we can do like ted cruz leave the country wake up people.

By: AndyX Fri, 16 Jun 2023 22:35:30 +0000 I hope these storms wipe Maga communities off the face of the Earth.

By: Good Guy Fri, 16 Jun 2023 15:25:26 +0000 This was yesterday

By: FƎEΔ ♆ΩV☈. ƧƬΛЯᵥₙG ᛖIᴎΔ Fri, 16 Jun 2023 15:07:29 +0000 living in America 🎶" 🇺🇲]]> "🎶living in America 🎶" 🇺🇲

By: M Oliveira Fri, 16 Jun 2023 00:09:10 +0000 Do trees help with tornadoes or hurt? I think that most people think the trees create more danger but in kansas and the tornado belt there are no trees and just flat land making it worse. Trees create surface roughness. The surface roughness effects the boundary layer, the wind close to ground and slows it down. Usually your house explodes in a tornado, that's why you see the trailer parks completely wrecked. I'm not sure if it has a positive or negative effect. but your house is designed to withstand the force gravity. It's not designed for forces pulling on it. You have to add hurricane straps to pull the house together in a tornado.

Houses and building close together actually make it worse. They have sharp corners and the with make nice little funnels to create high velocity vortices in between buildings. That's why they're required to wind tunnel test buildings when they add them to cities. they have to see how it will effect the buildings around them.

By: Keith Jacobson Thu, 15 Jun 2023 23:19:16 +0000 ]]> Yeah, climate change is such a hoax! 🙄

By: Дмитрий Бурбовский Thu, 15 Jun 2023 21:48:28 +0000 ⬆⬇💀☢☣....]]> .#zZz#.⚡⬆️⬇️💀☢☣….

By: Rose Phoenix Thu, 15 Jun 2023 18:37:27 +0000 This is a brand new history that a tornado coming from in Louisiana anyway that up anywhere directions that my comet is coming true anyway everyone so this is a brand-new history2 well everywhere for the country of the United States of America I told you so
