Strange Weather

Severe Weather

#ngscience #weather #severeweather
Examples of extreme weather including hurricanes, tornados, floods and thunderstorms.

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The weather can be different in many ways. One day it may be warm and sunny. The next day it may be rainy or windy. Occasionally, there may be thunderstorms.

During a thunderstorm there are often strong winds, heavy rain and lightning. Thunderstorms are an example of extreme weather.
Other extreme weather events include hurricanes, tornadoes, floods and blizzards.

A hurricane is a rotating storm that forms over the ocean and moves onto land. Hurricanes have very strong winds and precipitation.
Hurricanes often include a series of thunderstorms.
The heavy precipitation and large coastal waves can also cause floods.

A tornado is a rotating column of air that occurs on land, often during a thunderstorm. There are very strong winds. Due to the strong upward movement of air during a tornado, there is little or no rain.
However, precipitation can fall in the form of hail stones.

A blizzard, also called a snow storm, is a cold winter storm with heavy snow, sleet and strong winds. Snow may completely cover roads and buildings.

Extreme weather can be dangerous to people and cause damage to property. Engineers and architects often design buildings and structures to protect people against severe weather.

Discuss extreme weather events that occur in your area. What are some ways people reduce the impact of extreme weather?


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Saffa Adventures August 29, 2022 at 10:10 am

Thanks for speaking slowly. It really helps with my ESL students.

Don Troeger December 13, 2022 at 12:56 pm

I'd love to get a transcript of this for my students to fill in the gaps for key vocabulary

Trang Le August 3, 2023 at 9:05 am

Wow great!

Muhammad Rehan Shafique November 1, 2023 at 1:43 pm


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