Comments on: Someone Has Just Caught A Black Object Manifesting Above Them But Can’t Explain What It Is Exploring The Unknown Fri, 31 Mar 2023 20:42:40 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kathy Jackson Fri, 31 Mar 2023 20:42:40 +0000 That's definitely shape shifting

By: Marie Trickey Fri, 31 Mar 2023 20:33:42 +0000 🙏🏻]]> I KNOW for a fact God and heaven and Angels are all very much real! I died for 6 minutes from a ruptured brain aneurysm but obviously was resuscitated. I never saw anyone with wings flying around but what I did see were super tall, incredibly beautiful people. I was with my daddy who died from a ruptured brain aneurysm in 1968 because this is hereditary in all families. Daddy told me they were the Angels and Watchers and I knew he was right. I will never fear death again because I don't even believe in death anymore. Death of the body? Yes! But death of the soul? NEVER! We are all immortal beings living in mortal bodies until we learn what we came here to learn and then we get to go back to our real home! Heaven!!! I actually look forward to going back one day. I don't want it to be violent or hurt but once you get home it's all OK. I am a spirit living in a body and one day I will be free of this body and live as my true self with my precious Jesus. The one immortal soul that came to earth to understand the human experience and walked this earth to better understand what it was to be live as a human. I love God so much! My life will always revolve around Him from this day forward. ❤🙏🏻

By: Sonja Marohn Fri, 31 Mar 2023 16:44:07 +0000 Danke fürs zu senden aber ich kann sie nicht leicken sonst drück ich nachher was falsches an und werde dafür bestraft von fesbug Sorry

By: MARTIN GILVRAY Fri, 31 Mar 2023 10:10:31 +0000 Nanotechnology far , far beyond what we can achieve.

By: Jim Nakumi Fri, 31 Mar 2023 04:04:28 +0000 Do you expect NASA and the government to tell any of the public the truth? I think not! Next time any of you see a UFO I hope you got a flashlight and just turn it on and off pointed towards the UFO like an sos. Hopefully they'll respond

By: Signing with the Byrds Thu, 30 Mar 2023 21:38:52 +0000 That photo looks like scud clouds.

By: hisinvisibleness Thu, 30 Mar 2023 20:23:56 +0000 Nope

By: Scott Breseke Thu, 30 Mar 2023 19:55:41 +0000 There have been times when I've spotted weird cloud formations. Sometimes those weird cloud formations appear at the same time as major earthquakes somewhere in the world.

By: Cool Breeze Thu, 30 Mar 2023 19:42:26 +0000 Look's like an angel!

By: Mike Hallett Thu, 30 Mar 2023 12:52:59 +0000 ]]> I suspect William Shafner is alive and well, and enjoying a much better quality of life than the rest of us….🤔
